(no subject)

Nov 12, 2006 11:04

Mom was going to come to Richmond and we were going to drive up to Ikea today. But I'm sick, so the trip is off. I don't really have any money for Ikea anyway. Though I am a bit disappointed I'll be missing Trader Joe's. There's one not too far from Ikea and I was going to take grocery money with me. I hear TJ's had lots of good natural foods for very good prices. I think we'll go next weekend instead.

I wanted to get started on some projects yesterday and clean and go to the vita course. Instead I was at Patient 1st with M.E. (a dog nipped her and I was worried about the rabies) and slowly being overtaken by the flu that had begun with Hot Sauce last Friday and hit me Friday evening. I hate being sick when the house it a mess.
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