this is a post about dolls

Sep 25, 2011 05:19

So, today I got Frankie. She and Draculaura are sitting on a little doll-sized pillow next to me.
idk why, but these dolls are so amazing to me. The fact that something this stylized is doing well and is supported by Mattel? So fabulous. And each one has her own face sculpt! Frankie's face is much more angular and long than Draculaura's round face and smaller chin. Target's had a sale for a little while, so I ran in and snapped her up (with Boyfriend's money, of course). I had wanted the Dawn of the Dance Frankie, but they didn't have her, which made my decision easier because I was torn between Original Frankie and Dance Frankie. Decision made for me! Done.

I almost spent my own money later in Wal*Mart on a Bratz dress, but it was strapless, nearly 5 dollars, and not worth it, especially since the size might be off. Hopefully I can get over to a dollar store of some sort and buy some cheap knockoff Barbie clothes and then bring out my trusty sewing kit and try to alter them to fit. We shall see!

I mended a Barbie skirt that, while big, fits their hips if I don't mind a gap in the back. It had a lot of stray threads and the velcro was coming off. Then I went cross-eyed and made a teeny weeny beaded bracelet for Draculaura. Now that Frankie is here, I'll make one for her too. She already has a bracelet on one arm! So perfect.

Anyway, all my sims have graduated from college! So you'll get a giant college spam soon. I haven't given up on sims updates! They've just been really boring and not worth posting. I moved them into new houses, and tried something new with some of the couples and I'm really excited about it.

In real life news I've actually started to prepare a resume and I am not happy about it. Also, I hate fall. Go away fall. Bring back my summer :(

-5:17 AM

a day in the life, monster high, money, draculaura, frankie stein, dolls, sims

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