
Aug 03, 2011 03:29

Yeah, I'm spamming again whatever whatever deal with it.

"Wizards." I thought this was funny because they are wizards! They just don't know it because I don't have that expansion pack yet. (Also yeah the decor of the house changes a lot.) Plus they sit at the dining table to watch tv because it's closer to the television? Sims are strange. When they graduate they'll get a much bigger house.

Sirius is really happy with his werewolf. He even wants to become one.

Howlin' outside under a cherry tree. As you do. (the black box in the back and the little garbage pail are cheat objects.)

Lily and her perfect figure (OMG FORESHADOWING~!) read a book.

And then she and James get freaked out over Remus. They'd never actually witnessed a transformation before except that time Lily wandered away and didn't see it happen. It pained them.

James wanted me to buy a toy, because pleasure sims are a pain in the ass. So I bought them a pink teddy bear called Sgt. Cuddles, and Remus decided to talk through it to Sirius, who enjoys taking baths more than any sim I've ever had.

James and Lily haven't done the deed~~~ yet, but I decided to buy them a nice double bed anyway. James looks so excited!

"Remus is great." "Can we talk about your boyfriend at a time when we're both wearing shirts plz."

Their dishwasher broke and everyone else was sleeping so I decided to let Were-Remus try to fix it. This was a horrible mistake.

It took him forever to stop being shocked and I was absolutely certain he'd be electrocuted to death.

Closeup. He lost a few skill points as a result of his electrocution, and that upset him more than being electrocuted. (He later randomly rolled the "be electrocuted" fear and I felt so bad for him.)

He transformed back and didn't lose his smoky electrocutedness. Poor love.

James is still our merry prankster. And this is so adorable and in character: every time I have him prank Sirius, Sirius autonomously pranks him back. :') Here we have Sirius hitting him with a water balloon in retaliation for being hand-buzzered.

idk if I'm just a sap or what, but when they hugged it made my heart hurt. I imagined him being like "I'LL NEVER BETRAY YOU BRO" and thinking ahead to their futures and my heart :( (Of course, as sims they'll lead long and happy betrayal-free lives, but still.)

Sirius wanted to dance, so I let them. Their room is also the only room in the house that isn't pink or red. I didn't decorate the house that way on purpose, it just happened. (I swear.)

Frisky frisky~~

They wanted to go out on a date, and I figured that would help them get to the point where Sirius would want to get engaged. Remus has had the want forever.

Of course, in the world of sims, going on dates just means having sex in the car repeatedly. (they keep rolling the woohoo in car want.) While the car hovers. I don't even know.

It was a ~dream date~, according to the game, so after Remus got back from class and transformed, he brought flowers. They included a poem. (That truck is Lily's grocery delivery.)

Lily was SO HUNGRY and we ran out of food, so I had her order groceries. But then eating made her get fat!

Her boobs got so big her necklace didn't fit anymore.

I'll be honest, she doesn't look bad fat. In fact, she looks pretty hot. I let her go swimming to see if she could lose the weight again.

She did! And the "getting fit" animation wonked her up. Don't lose too much weight, darlin'.

But then they had dinner and she gained it right back.

Her aspiration was getting low because all she really wanted, as a family sim, was to get engaged. And since she was now both fat and in low aspiration, I decided it was time for James to be an adult about things and seal the deal even if he hasn't gotten laid yet. So he did!

She said yes! (I love how no1curr).

James was thrilled even though he hadn't rolled that want. James/Lily otp :')

Then the cow mascot thing hit Remus with a pillow, and he cried. After he was done crying he angrily shoo'd her away. The one thing I hate about playing sims in college is how the mascots/cheerleaders stand outside the door ALL DAY complaining that they can't get in and doing the school cheer OVER AND OVER AND OVER. The cow mascot doesn't cheer, but it does purposely annoy sims by poking them and yelling at them, pranking them, hitting them with pillows, whatever.

Werewolves have super strength!

Curvy!Lily meditates. She came to the conclusion that she's not going to force herself to lose weight. After all, she has two good friends and a wonderful prankster fiance and big boobs and there's no Voldemort. Life is good.

sims, harry potter

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