I use a couple of different cheats/hacks for different things. The aspiration changer is an aspiration reward (but I also have a cheat object that does it too.) When I cheat I mostly use this: http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,100226.0.html (the object version).
you just open the cheat console and type maxmotives. If you want the motives to stay maxxed, use motivedecay off after. So you'd go "maxmotives", enter, then "motivedecay off". Although when I do this and then send sims to bed to woohoo they seem to get stuck in bed, so I have to turn motive decay back on for a while or use some other cheat. Cheating is exhausting lol
Also, what do you use to ~cheat~ to turn him into a werewolf and change their aspirations and such?
I use a couple of different cheats/hacks for different things. The aspiration changer is an aspiration reward (but I also have a cheat object that does it too.) When I cheat I mostly use this: http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,100226.0.html (the object version).
Most of my hacks that change annoying stuff come from here: http://moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php?PHPSESSID=54139970209a1bd06c309db6c1c3f333&board=5.0
I could talk about sims for hourssss so any other questions or whatever, feel free to hit me up.
Okay ty :3 okay question- i can never get the max motives cheat to work and i have no idea what i'm typing wrong lol
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