odontv Rules:
* People who have been tagged must write the answers on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new, original question.
* Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
1. Make a list of 5 things that you can see without getting up.
Hello Kitty candy, chapstick, tissue box, pink pen, nail polish.
2. How many times have you changed your hairstyle in the past five years?
what is this change of which you speak (I wear more clips in it now than I used to. Does that count.)
3. What is your favourite article of clothing (that you own) and why?
I may be wearing it. I am very, very fond of this red shirt and I have no idea why. Other than that, probably, idk, my prom dress? I love clothes and I have loads.
4. What's your favorite cartoon?
I don't have a current favorite cartoon, but from my childhood... uh... all of them. There's no way to choose. It's more of a time period/programming block than a single cartoon, for me.
5. If you got a tattoo, what would it be of?
I kind of hate tattoos (and kind of love them) so I'd never do it, but probably a heart or "love" or something equally cheesy and tacky and rainbow-y pink. idk where, probably my wrist so I could see it a lot but could hide it with a bracelet when I was tired of it.
6. What's your favorite mystical creature?
People probably expect me to say unicorns or something but I think my real favorite is Lady Gaga.
7. What are you thinking about right now?
I want moar chocolate.
8. Write the first word that comes to mind.
Pink. (Actually it was "brutal" because I have a Cheryl Cole song stuck in my head and that part "played" right as I read the question, but pink was the second word.)
9. What musician is your favorite to see in concert?
Besides Ringo, I've never seen the same person/band in concert twice. I'd see Paul or Kylie again if I had a choice.
10. If you came across $2,000 (or other currency) would you keep it or turn it in?
Turn it in and cry.
11. What was the last thing that you bought?
Hello Kitty pens and markers. They were a dollar.
12. What other countries have you been to (if any)?
None. But New York City is kind of otherworldy.
13. Do you have a favorite comedian and if yes, who?
I don't pay much attention to comedians really, but everybody loves Jim Gaffigan and so do I so he's like the default answer. I don't get to see him when he comes here and that makes me sad.
14. Last book you've read?
Right now I'm trying to get through a book that Boyfriend lent me about some stuff he likes. The story is interesting but the writing is terrible so it's taking me forever.
15. What are you doing this weekend?
Seeing the Boyfriend. Probably nothing else.
16. What is your song of choice RIGHT NOW? The one you select when you kick off your playlist in the morning or whenever.
I don't have a specific one I'm really hooked on at the moment. The most recent one was Edge of Glory. Don't Talk About This Love (Cheryl Cole) gets stuck in my head a lot, it's here right now.
17. Favourite movie of the last six months?
what is a movie
18. Favorite season?
Summer. Always.
19. Which part of this year are you looking forward to the most?
After summer, my birthday and Christmas.
20. Best thing this year so far?
KYLIE CONCERT. And being an _ai mod. It is all I ever hoped it would be. Aaaaand my baseball team starting out horrific and then rising back up like JK GUYS. And Gaga's album release. And as for a bonus, my biggest disappointment has been Cheryl and X Factor and all that shit. It broke my heart for real.
I tag.....
left_to_love, and 3 random _aiers who feel like doing it. I know I know it's a cop-out but idk anyone who actually wants to do it.