Oct 30, 2009 12:39
Hello everyone, I know i've been inactive a lot recently, I've been really trying to get alot of stuff straight back home,
the job hunting has been really hard and with alot that has been happening in the island, it hasn't making things alot easier.
i've worked on a freelance for a lawyer and it was all last minute a couple of months ago when there was another project that was planned for to be done, and got held back, so this book was given to me to illustrate instead for the lawyer, after the work was done, i was just given less than half than what i had given in my invoice and well...im still waiting on the other piece of the check :/ so that has really bummed me out, also i was helping out a fellow friend in need to get back on his feet after a really bad break up.
Now thankfully i had a call form my cousin that needed an artist to illustrate some simple line designs for a machine similar to the "cricket" (for cutting paper) well it's competitor and its been a very time consuming job, and hopefully by the end of this week, i'll be done and she can pay me. That way i can get back to all i've put on hold, icons, AC commissions, and oldder ones that NEED to be finished. and then i think im just gonna take a break till i reopen again. i really need to try to see if i'll ever manage to make my comic book a dream come true.
but yeah, i just wanted to let you all know, im not dead, or missing, just been inactive to get organized back here.
i miss you all and thnak you for your patience and reading.