in a nut shell...

Mar 23, 2006 22:48

SFFB weekend 06 went well(ish) on the production side fo things...
I skipped participating in the fashion show to

I busted my ass... got sick with it (literally)... putting on a show is never a cake walk no matter how much planning etc you put into it...
Thurs evening saw us hanging peices right up till teh final final... and I had to print tags at the last minute - funny the things you don't think about till the last moment... LOL ... I really have to give a big fat fucking THANK YOU! to
KellyLind for his help on Thurs night... with out him my head might well have exploded... thank you thank you thank you... duct tape and peanutbutter bagels I promise! LOL ...

There were some unexpected complications? additions? to Friday nights show... but I think it all worked out.... it was incredible to watch... and I managed to find some serious down time to chill and be all catty like with friends I don't see often enough...

Saturday was mad... day started early *well all of them did but...* I had about a million and one things to do and not enough time... I fucking k-holed Puimonds music at the shop so there was a scramble for that... thank you paul nathan and itunes... rehearasals took twice as long as expected... deli platters/ catering didn't show up as planned so pizza was ordered... drinks appeared backstage in plenty of time so I didn't hear any complaints.. got the show on stage on time and everyone loaded out of the habitrail we were calling a dressing area... the backstage area was ridiculously small... but it's an old theatre and nobody can say they weren't warned... I did a runway show there once and knew what we were in for...

the weekend wasn't without it's hiccups and burps but by and large I think it went well... I had fun anyway - fuck anyone who didn't manage to have at least a little...  I didnt' get much chance to see the crowd sat night but from what I hear it wasnt horrible.. and it was deadly good to see everyone... I only wish I'd had more time to be civil... LOL ...

I worked myself sick... left the office early on Tues and (basically) stayed in bed the rest of the night... I had a horrible case of larengitis..
and spent the better part of yesterday in bed as well...

I was so focused on production that I forgot to bring my camera and thus have only four shitty cell phnone snaps ....

darenzia, photos, allen, storm, photo, sffb 06

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