Folsom Street Fair

Sep 25, 2005 23:09

I am too bloody exhausted to post more than a few photos from Slick last night...
I'll summarize by saying...
my feet fucking hurt
stilletos and asphalt don't mix (one day I will learn this for keeps)
it was H O T today
i don't ever want to smell bbq'd anything ever again
i heart lemonade
there are some damned fugly people entirely too comfortable in thier own skin
there are some (many) damned F I N E assed gay men in san fransissy
sweat is never sexy when it's running down your leg
i saw some peeps i didn't expect too
i didn't see some peeps i expected too
i am knackered
i hurt in places i didn't know could hurt
and some that i did
i had a good time
no, a fucking sExcellent time

SLICK and The Madame S High Cheerleading Squad and Coach White
let's get retarded ya'll...
got goober at slick... bouncing around... i blame it on the uniform...
go team

photo, folsom

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