Wherein I do a Quick Synopsis of my Recent Life, and Proceed to Lose Geek Cred

Mar 20, 2017 20:30

I need to write. It's been a long time, and I need to get back to it. I've been very depressed ever since the election and all the stuff that's happened subsequently. The person that I had wanted to be president more than any other candidate I've had the ability to vote for, lost to a monster who is making me embarrassed to be an American. I'm not sure I'm getting over this anytime soon.

I stage-managed a children's theatre show this year. I have lots of feelings about this as well. I felt both useless and important, invisible and essential. I loved doing it, but also wondered why. I have both wonderful memories and some not-so-great ones. The whole experience was rather conflicting. It was a production of "The Little Mermaid." It was directed by a friend I don't get to see nearly enough, so hanging with her was great! A week after the show I spent time with her under less happy circumstances, though, as I helped her get help for her son, who had just (luckily) survived an attempt to kill himself. I'm not loving 2017 yet.

I also failed to get a job that everyone who knows me said I would be great at. That was also depressing. At the exact same time, Sky failed to get a job that everyone who knows her told her she'd be great at. Like mother, like daughter?

But actually, the real reason I finally decided to write something was to share my very unpopular opinion about some movies. People often complain that I always give positive reviews of everything I see. That's because I tend to know what I'm going to like, and try to see only those movies. That is also why, when I don't like something, I'm much more militant about it!

So, regardless of whether it decreases my nerd quotient or not, I want it known that I HATED Logan. Hate, HATE, a WORLD OF HATE!! The reasons I felt this way can only be explained with spoilers, so I'll put a few spaces before I explain my feelings. Read on at your own risk (I know, there are ways to hide this sort of thing, but I'm too depressed to bother figuring it out). (Regular non-spoilery comments continue after the second break)


Okay, why I hated Logan: 1. Every adult in the whole movie dies. Every single one. 2. Most in violent gruesome ways. Far gorier than it needed to be. And most importantly 3. There are three mutants left at the beginning of the movie, thereby invalidating ALL of the movies that came before. Why should we care about the future of mutants if the future is nonexistent? Why should we care if Charles or Eric is right when they are both wrong, there is no more mutantkind? Why should we be happy that Logan realizes that family is a good thing, now THAT HE'S DEAD?! The moral of the movie was: why bother trying, you're all going to die horribly. Anyone that's nice to you will die horribly, anyone that's mean to you will die horribly. And now there are some genetically engineered children, brought up to be violent, who's only contact with the outside world has been in the last few months, who are roaming around, perhaps Canada, with no adult supervision. And one of them has been injected with the same thing that eventually killed her "father" which will presumably also kill her. Nope. I am declaring this movie to be part of some alternate dystopian timeline, and hence one we can forget. Now if we could only find our way back from the dystopian timeline we are currently living in.


So that's half of my unpopular opinion. The other half does not need a spoiler break: I loved The Great Wall!! It was a terrible movie, but just exactly as terrible as one would expect from the trailer. But, it was staggeringly beautiful! And didn't have the ending I was expecting! It was stupid, beautiful, fun! And despite there being a war with people-eating monsters, it was far less gory than Logan!

I've liked all the other movies I've seen recently as well. But this is getting too long so I'll try to write again soon...
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