SDCC: we will be there tomorrow!!

Jul 19, 2016 20:00

It's almost time for SDCC (San Diego Comic-Con for those confused)! I figured I should come out of hibernation to do my annual Before-Con-Post. So here I am.

Yes, we will be going to Con this year. And by we, I mean Scott, Sky, Winter, and me. It will be the first time the four of us will be in the same place since New Year's. I'm looking forward to that almost more than anything.

We will not have a booth, but we will be around on Wednesday through Monday. And if one of us is on a panel, then the rest will likely be there as well. But we're not on too many panels: on Thursday, Sky is on Maggie Thompson's Spotlight Panel (Maggie decided to make it about growing up in a fandom family, instead of just about her). On Saturday, Scott is on a panel at the library, as part of the Comics Art Conference. That's about it for panels, but Scott will also be interviewed at Comic Con HQ, on Thursday afternoon at the Hilton (I think?) and that's open to even people who don't have a badge. I think we're both going to do some kind of round table thing after Scott's interview.

Winter will be running around looking like a character from Steven Universe. She sewed it herself. It's pretty awesome.

Now for my yearly reminder: if you see me, and you know me (or just recognize me) PLEASE come say hi! But, if I look like I'm not sure who you are, that's ME not YOU! I have trouble remembering faces. I frequently don't recognize people I know. You might look familiar to me, and I might not know why. Because of this, I almost never initiate contact. I'm always worried that I'm wrong. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, say hi! It will make my day. I promise. Just remind me who you are, so we don't have one of those horribly embarrassing moments!

And if you saw me last year, the wheelchair was an anomaly. I'm back on my own two feet this year. My back is not great, but it's normal bad, not wheelchair bad.

I will try to tweet things we are doing, so you can come find us at other times.

If this is your first time at Con, my advice to you is: figure out what's the most important thing you want to make sure you do, and try for that. Crowds are ridiculous, so be prepared to wait a long time for things. Don't get your hopes up that you will see everything you want to-unless they're all in the same room and you queue super early-you will be disappointed. If you're more interested in things other than new movies and tv shows, you have a better chance of getting into things. People are mostly super nice, but the crowds and heat, etc will sometimes wear people down, so some encounters might be fraught. There is water everywhere; make sure you drink it! Remember to enjoy what you get to do. Meet people on line! If you're waiting for the same thing, you are starting with something in common!

Okay, enough of Con. I'll try to post something every evening of SDCC, but I'm not going to promise, just in case.

As for me: I've not been doing great lately. My depression is still making itself felt despite the meds. I think it's the summer. I'm not a fan. Too hot. It makes me sick. And the accident didn't help.

Oh, hey, I've not written in so long, I've not told anyone about the car accident! I was in a car accident. First time in my life that I was in an accident while driving (and I've driven hundreds of thousands of miles). And it WAS TOTALLY NOT MY FAULT!! I was stopped at a light. Completely stopped. And an older gentleman REAR-ENDED ME! I was preparing to make a right-hand turn, so I was leaning forward looking for oncoming traffic on the left. Scott and Winter were in the car; they were unharmed, but since I was leaning forward, I got thrown back. My back has been hurting ever since, but, as I was in the hospital for my back year ago, it's hard to tell if it's hurting more, or just normal Ivy pain.

I was very lucky, in that the driver did not hit and run. And he had very good insurance! Since everyone agreed that I was in no way at fault, his insurance paid for everything! If mine had paid, I would've had to pay a deductible, and a rental would not have been included. In the end the bill was huge, it took over a month to repair it, and I got a rental for the entire time, and paid nothing! So even though the experience was rather harrowing for me, looking back, I know it could've been so much worse. And my car is back. So, yay!

I know when I started writing this the other day, I'd planned on writing much more; like telling you about our newest dog (Mom's, not mine). But I'm starting to feel overwhelmed by life again, so I'm gonna stop here.

Hopefully, I'll be back tomorrow, after day one of Con.

Here's a picture of Tootsie, the newest member of our household:

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