The first thing we did at the museum today was go to a talk. One of the staff did a report on his recent trip to Boston hanging out at the Harvard Museums. He also spoke about a project he's been working on for decades. Not sure how much I'm allowed to talk about, so I'll just say that I was fascinated, and I think we'll be meeting with him later, and I'm so glad. Have I mentioned that the people who work at the museum are amazingly smart? 'Cause they are.
Next in our ultra exciting day was a walk to Safeway to buy me soda.
Okay, that was sarcastic, it was an exciting day, just the walking to Safeway wasn't.
As our time here continues we have more and more things in the schedule. We start out slow. Our only other museum thing was a conversation with the After Dark gang (After Dark is a program where there are special events on the 1st Thursday of the month-they are open late on Thursdays). They wanted to pick Scott's brain for ideas on an upcoming theme. I think we helped. I know they got me excited enough that I'd love to come back in November to see what they eventually wind up doing!
And that was it for the museum part of our day. Well, we bought hats for both of us, but I'm not sure that's interesting enough to include.
Our evening was spent having dinner with Andrew Farago, Shaenon Garrity, and their beautiful son, Robin. They are awesome people, and we had an awesome time.
The only pictures I took all day were a bunch of pics of Robin. He is not only beautiful, but very smart. He's not two yet and already has a huge vocabulary. He's quite the charmer.
I'm not good at picking, so I'm going to post a few of pictures of him (and Andrew, but he's incidental):
Tomorrow will be a much fuller day. I expect the post will be longer as well.