Labor Day Weekend, And Beyond

Sep 11, 2015 08:37

My break wound up longer than I'd intended. Sorry..

Keeping up with my trip down Syracuse memory lane, I'm into my "Hanging Out With Alice" portion of the trip. I met Alice my first week at SU. We became best of friends and have stayed that way ever since then.

Hanging with Alice so far has meant a lot of late nights up talking, watching hella movies, eating Dunkin' Donuts, some alone time, dining experiments, and so far, one museum day. In other words, awesome times!

Today I'm in a library while Alice is at a meeting. This has turned out to not be quite as good an idea as I'd initially thought. THERE ARE NO COMFY CHAIRS HERE! I am spoiled by my library at home that has couches and comfy chairs and lots of them. I keep moving around here trying to find someplace to sit that doesn't hurt my back. I've just settled in the corner on the floor. Hopefully I won't get in trouble, and will be able to stand again.

Instead of telling you everything we've been doing in the last several days, I'll just hit the highlights.

The biggest of those was going to The Museum of Science, or as it's known by people in the know, MOS. I worked there for several years, so going back is always bittersweet. Things change. A lot. We got there kinda late (we stopped at the ORIGINAL Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, first). The plan was to spend an hour at the Pixar special exhibit (why we were there) then an hour in the museum proper, then it would be time for our Omni show. This is not what happened. The Pixar exhibit was too much fun. We totally lost track of time and only left because we realized that we were about to miss our Omni show. I can't recommend this exhibit enough. If you're in the area: GO. SEE IT!

The Omni movie was about whales and was very interesting. Coming out of the theatre I watched the projectionist work for a bit. That's what I used to do (projectionist, not watching the projectionist). I'd started as an Omni usher, and eventually switched to projecting. Everything is different now. There were things there that I didn't recognize at all. Some I could figure out, some I could not. But the thing that freaked me out the most, was realizing that the projectionist working there might not have been born yet, when I last worked there. Talk about feeling old!

Much of the rest of my time in Boston has been spent reading (read a great book), or watching movies. We've been introducing each other to our favorite movies and TV shows. It's exactly what you'd expect me to be doing. Some great stuff.

The above was written on Wednesday. Thursday was a massive movie day. We saw two movies in the theater, and two at home.

We've been talking well into the night, so when we say goodnight to each other I'm too tired to write, in the morning, by the time I'm coherent, we're off doing things. In other words, writing has become difficult. Because of this, I'm not sure when I'll post again. Scott is CA. He's talking today at Porterville College, and tomorrow at Mill Valley Library. If either are near you, you should go! He joins me again on Tuesday. I expect I'll have more time and more interesting things to post then. Alice and I have big plans for tomorrow. If we succeed, I'll try and write them up asap.

I'm more sleep than awake right now. So I'll attempt to proof and post this. Let me know if you catch any mistakes. I'm too tired to do a good job, but I'm so late, I just wanna get this up...
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