Were you a Sweet Valley girl?

Apr 10, 2008 12:15

Did you go to grade school in the 1990s?

Did you have a Trapper Keeper? Were you sticking assorted Post-Its in your little pink organizer? Has your Tamagotchi ever peacefully lived to an old age?

Well... well, you must also be a reader of the Sweet Valley book series... as I was when I was young teenager thirsty for any sort of read.

Then, I'm sure you'd be delighted as I was when you go to The Dairi Burger's SVH blog. It's all about the blue-eyed blonde Wakefield twins, goody-two-shoes Elizabeth and liberal Jessica, and their posse in Sweet Valley, California. Remember Todd Wilkins (Lizzie's soulmate since kindergarten) and the tons of "most gorgeous guy Jessica has ever seen" dudes? Remember Lila Fowler, Bruce Patman and their too-good-to-be-true mansions? Remember Steve, the big brother who almost never leaves the house even when he's supposed to be away in Uni? Remember Ned, Alice and their own love sagas?

Reading that blog would make you
roar with laughter 
as the blogger makes you look back on the inanities and insanities of Francine Pascal's and her co-conspirators' storytelling.

Another upside to finding this blog: I have something to do when stuck at home this summer!

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