May 21, 2006 08:29
Meme taken from aflightoffancy:
Be 4'1 or 7'9"?
Well, being a very short girl would be more socially acceptable than being a very tall woman, but I'd prefer the latter. It would be a pain to find clothes, though, and I definitely wouldn't be able to make any myself. Actually, never mind. I'd rather be 4'1, because adjustments would be easier.
Live without music or live without T.V.?
TV. I could easily handle life without it, as I hardly use it anyway. But I know I couldn't stand to live without music. I even sing while I'm driving. How could I do away with something so firmly embedded in my psyche? I couldn't, that's how!
Eat a bar of soap or drink a bottle of dishwashing liquid?
Both of these are just about equal on the scale of disgusting and possibly deadly. I'd eat the bar of soap. None of the slimy texture of the dishwashing liquid.
Be called a racist or a traitor to your country?
A traitor to my country. I view 'racist' as a worse insult, although being branded a traitor is more dangerous. I have an opinion on it that most people might not agree with: I don't see why a bond to your country of origin must be so fixed and eternal. Your country is like your parent: you didn't choose to have it, it was assigned to you. True loyalty comes from a free choice, whether your choice was America, England, or even Iran. I don't owe the country my loyalty if it proves unworthy of it.
However, racists and any other form of prejudiced people are ignorant to facts that are right in front of their faces. they let irrational hatred cloud their thinking processes and rule their lives. Having someone accuse me of being racist also strikes me as a weak attempt to win an argument, similar to pulling the sex or religion card.
Lose your legs or lose your arms?
Lose my legs. I'd still be able to paint, draw, and write.
Have a beautiful house and ugly car or an ugly house and beautiful car?
A no-brainer. A beautiful house and an ugly car. A car is simply the mode of transportation that gets me from point A to point B, but a house is the place I spend most of my time, and the place that I'll hopefully form sentimental attachments to.
Be blind or deaf?
Deaf, for the reasons stated to the leg question. I don't want to lose my eyes.
Live in Antarctica or Death Valley?
Death Valley. I despise the cold.
In a fire, save a sibling or a stranger?
A sibling. No choice at all. It might be influenced by the kind of siblings I have, but the simple truth is, if I saw my baby sister and her friend in a fire, and could only save one, I wouldn't even hesitate between the two.
Eat sushi or liver?
Both of them are delicious, but I'd rather have sushi.
Have 3 eyes or webbed feet?
That depends. Where's the third eye? I'd rather like one in the middle of my forehead or the back of my head. In all seriousness, I'd choose webbed feet.
Meet the president of the U.S. or Billy Graham?
Abraham Lincoln, if he's a choice. (What, he was a president of the United States!) In the actual two choices above, I'd choose the president. Bragging rights, see.
Always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again?
Always have to say everything on my mind. I'm the sort of person who can't go without communication, especially if I need to get a point across. I suppose I could always write down replies. (Although, as someone who played a character with a temporary spell on them to always speak everything on their mind, this is a very tricky question.)
Be gossipped about or never talked about at all?
I spent a lot of time in my middle and high school career being never talked about at all, and I think I prefer that to malicious or personal gossip.
Have stars in your eyes or eyes in the back of your head?
Sadly, between useful and flashy, I'd choose flashy. Stars in my eyes. I'm sure it would either impress people or cause them to run screaming in fear.
Have x-ray vision or bionic hearing?
I can remember more occasions in which I desperately wanted to hear something, not see it. However, if upping my sight that much would cure my astigmatism, I'd leap for that x-ray vision in a heartbeat.
Be able to hear any conversation or take back anything you say?
Even when I say something that I should have left unspoken, I still don't feel a real, desperate desire to take it back. I may or may not apologize, but I don't think I've wanted to take back anything I've said. (Aside from two exceptions.) However, being able to hear any conversation would be useful. Then again, it goes against my moral values to do it, so it would be an equally useless ability. No win situation here.
End hunger or hatred?
Hatred. Destroy a root and a cause for ignorance, and many other problems will be solved as well.
Publish your diary or make a movie on your most embarrassing moment?
Diary? What diary? And my most embarrassing moment wasn't exactly movie quality. That's why they call it a 'moment'. I'd rather publish my livejournal, if that counts as a diary.
Be a dog named Killer or a cat named Fluffy?
A cat. Who cares what you're named? Your fellow cats don't understand English, and neither do you. It's below you to come down to the level of your human servants, after all.
Be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate?
Someone I hate. Any company is preferable to insanity.
Get even or get over it?
Get even. Get really, thoroughly, wickedly even, with interest. I've got a vengeful streak that goes totally against my instilled Christian morality, and I probably should rise above my 'eye for an eye' mentality and learn to let live, but getting revenge is much more satisfying. And he who makes the first strike deserves to be attacked in return.
Always lose or never play?
Depends on what we're talking about here. For a simple game, such as basketball or volleyball, always losing is pretty much expected. I don't play it for the competition, though. However, if this is some sort of large metaphor for anything from a career to the grandness of life, I'd choose never play. There's no fun in anything if you never feel happy about it, and my pride wouldn't hold out against the constant abuse.
Be forced to tell your best friend a lie or tell your parents the truth?
What is the truth I have to tell or keep secret by lying?
Know it all or have it all?
Having it all would accomplish nothing, and I strongly suspect that knowing absolutely everything would make me insane. Between knowledge or possessions, though, I choose knowledge. I could invent things far beyond the recent technology, cure diseases, and be a Master of all Trades that rivals DaVinci. (And, of course, I'd have bionic hearing.)
Always get first dibs or the last laugh?
Last laugh.
Give bad advice or take bad advice?
Give bad advice. It's up to the person I give the advice to.
Have sand in your shorts or water in your ear?
Water in my ear. It's happened before, and it's not too bad. Sand in my shorts, however, is a gritty, itchy, perpetual textural distraction.
Forget your sunscreen or your sunglasses?
Sunglasses. I don't want to be a lobster. My eyes can adjust.
Kiss a jellyfish or step on a crab?
I've stepped on a crab in the water. It's safe enough if you lift your foot back up the right way.
Own a ski lodge or a surf camp?
Surf camp.
Forget who you were or who everyone else was?
They are synonymous. Our memories make us who we are, and they are made up of our experiences with the people who make up our friends, family, and community.
Have one wish granted today or three wishes granted in 10 years?
One today. In ten years, who knows if the wish I want today can even be used?
Give up your computer or your pet?
This was a hard question for me. My computer is a very important tool and a way to communicate with friends who live across the country, friends I don't have phone numbers for. It's a good source of information and reading material, and it helps a lot with many aspects of my life. A pet, however, does not do any of those things. A pet is, emotional connections-wise, a step or two down from being your child. However, pets are short-lived. (Especially my hamster and any other variety of rodent.) It would be very hard for me to give up a cat or another close pet, but I'd do it if I knew they'd be going to a good, loving home.
Be the sand castle or the wave?
The wave.
Overthrow a dictatorship or lead one?
While I don't think I have the stomach for actual dictatorship, there are different ways to go about it. The psychological abuse of the populace that is inherent with the job, however, would cause me to quit. If I had a major removal of conscience, I think I'd be a very effective dictator.
I suppose I'd rather overthrow one bloodlessly, like Ghandi, and then not deal with any of the problems afterward.
Write the worst book in history or record the worst song in history?
Worst song. Writing badly is unforgivable.
Get free chocolate for one year or free potatoes forever?
Potatoes. I adore potatoes, and at least I'd never go hungry.
Have half days everyday or no homework forever?
Half days every day. I do much better on homework with more free time and less classes to concentrate on.
Wear all pink or all purple to school?
Take a math test or do a lab in science?
Science lab. Dissection fascinates me, as do many chemistry assignments. Math causes intense cerebral discomfort.
Have a mansion in the middle of nowhere or an apartment with 10 friends?
Mansion in the middle of nowhere. I'm very reclusive. My friends and family could stop by and visit, though.
Be a deep sea diver or an astronaut? Deep sea diver.
Deep sea diver. I want to be on this Earth. There's something about being adrift in space that's very frightening to me. Maybe it's related to claustrophobia, or it's the exact opposite of claustrophobia.
Bake cookies in cooking class or do art projects in art class?
Art projects. Easy question.
Run the mile or give a speech for English?
Give a speech for English. While I'm not the greatest public speaker around, and tend to speak quickly when nervous, I hated the arduous torture that was the mile with a fiery passion that eclipsed the burning power of the sun!
Have a pie-eating contest or a wheelbarrow race?
What kind of pie are we talking about here? (Actually, wheelbarrow race. Adrenaline and action and all that stuff.)
Have a big group of friends or one very close friend?
One very close friend. Quality is better than quantity in this case.
Not be able to talk or hear for one day?
Not be able to talk. Anything I'd have to say if I couldn't hear wouldn't be worth listening to, and I couldn't react to anything. There's always written communication.
Be nervous but excited or relaxed but bored?
Nervous, but excited, like when I entered the art contest in high school my junior year. It's a good feeling.
Wear a school uniform or last year's Halloween costume?
I quite liked last year's Halloween costume, but I'd definitely go for the blazer-and-slacks with tie combo.
Spend the day surfing the internet or the ocean? Internet.
Ocean. Spending all day on the internet makes me feel like a lazy, sluggish, detestable sloth.
Be an actress/actor in a big movie or the director?
The actress. More glory in it.
Have an ugly, loyal dog or a prize-winning, snobby cat?
I must apologize as a cat-lover, but if the ugly dog is affectionate and loyal, I'd rather have it than a cat who treats me like dirt.
Be a professional baseball player or a champion horse breeder?
Professional baseball player.
Be saved by Superman or meet Winnie the Pooh?
What the hell? Well, I'd rather meet Winnie-the-Pooh, because getting saved by a superhero implies a danger-loaded, terrifying situation, and I don't like Superman anyway. Winnie the Pooh is just annoying.
Go to an amusement park or to a family reunion?
Why can't I have an absolutely batshit wacko family that would make family reunions fun? That said, amusement park. I deal with relatives in moderation. And hey, they can come to Epcot with me.
Have a kangaroo or koala as your pet?
Both are pretty darn aggressive. I'd choose koala. Easier to catch, less likely to beat me up.
Be rich with an unhappy job or make less money with a job you like?
Less money with a job I like. I don't need to be rich. I don't even want to be rich.
Not be able to use your phone or your e-mail?
E-mail. I don't even use my e-mail box. Phones, however, I use all the time. And I'd still have AIM.
Snowboard in the winter or swim in the summer?
Where is the originality in this question? To make it interesting, the seasons should be reversed. I'd swim in the summer, definitely. In a pool. Hopefully a private pool. I have this thing about hygiene and water.
Be a tree or live in a tree?
Live in a tree. One of those wild, fantastic, whimsical tree forts, like you see in the movie 'Hook'.
Write a mystery or a poem?
I'm not sure if I could keep up the element of suspense in a mystery. It would require a lot more work, a lot of laying down of plot. Actually, it would require an awful lot of plot, but I'd be much happier with the end result than I would be with a poem. So mystery it is.
Meet an alien visitor or travel to outer space?
Meet an alien visitor. I'm convinced that I could live my entire life in space and never meet one, with the speed our technology travels at. But, if I meet one, I'd have such conversations with him or her, or whatever other sexes aliens could possibly have. And then I could just ask him to take me to outer space with him.
Be forgotten or hatefully remembered?
Good question. There's a strange allure to being remembered as the world's most evil woman.