this is really what I needed right before break

Aug 30, 2011 11:52

AHHHH I AM SO PISSED. THIS FUCKING WOMAN AT WORK. I'M GOING TO WRING HER SCRAWNY NECK. This woman is rude to everyone, addresses everyone as 'you', and flips out if anyone calls her on her shit. So today, after a hectic van run (first day of school = always hectic) she snapped at me and I said, very calmly: "If you're going to start snapping at me, I'm leaving." Cue HUGE drama-fest with her screeching, going over to the director and raging about how I was threatening to quit, her dragging the director out from where she was working to talk to me, more drama, drama drama, etc.

Fortunately the director is used to this BS and just told me to take the kids to get their blankets, and then had a talk with this woman about calming the fuck down and being professional.

I just. WHY is this woman working here? What is her deal? WTF.

rant, what manner of jackassery is this, real life, daycare

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