in which my life is full of fun stuff

Aug 23, 2011 17:44

Augh, when real life comes after me, it hits me like a freight train. Still doing well, but super busy and trying to do everything at once, as usual. Our school's library has these adorable green lollipops with 'quiet, please' printed on them. I took four, because they were fumbling everything and the counselors had no idea what they were doing and I ended up being shunted back and forth confusingly. So, there's that.

Stuff that's up:

iki_teru, congratulations on the engagement. Sorry I haven't commented before this. T_T

Had a tea party with a friend, with no less than three kinds of tea! My favorite was the cranberry black tea, mmm. She made cucumber sandwiches and fruit tarts and other yummy things, and I helped peel quail eggs for her. (To make scotch eggs with.) During the tea, we got to discussing Harry Potter and eventually went to the movie theater on a random whim to watch Deathly Hallows 2 a second time around. Just as good the second time, although I'm sure people who haven't watched the books are a bit lost by this point.

Watched Wicked at the Kennedy Center. As always, it was fun and amazing, and I am so happy that the Glinda this time portrayed the depth to the character, instead of playing her as shallow all the way through. The music wasn't as booming as it is on Broadway, but it's still wonderful to listen to, and I was really happy with most of the actors' voices. My favorites were the Wizard, Elphaba, and Madame Morrible.

The way there, however, was fraught with torrential rain, ankle-deep puddles, lightning sounding off a couple feet from us as we held umbrellas in a thunder storm, and hail rocketing down to pelt us. This was the way to the bus stop. I was very glad I did not dress up for the evening, as my jeans were soaked from calf-down and my sneakers squished.

Was in an earthquake, apparently. That was truly the high point of my day. It wasn't really anything special, just the building trembling and the floor shaking, with nothing really falling over or even impeding my walk across the floor. It was kind of like being in a funhouse, actually. The worst part were these two girls, one of them who had been gnawed on by a yellowjacket earlier, screaming and crying their heads off. We don't do earthquake drills in the daycare, so when I told them to get into earthquake mode, I was pleasantly surprised when they all went under the tables, got low, and put their hands over their necks. Thank you, school system, for making that at least routine enough that no one was freaking out and running around like a monkey.

Afterwards I just handed out lemonade to the crying kids and we had a big talk about earthquakes and what they are and why they shouldn't be afraid of a couple minutes' shaking. Fun times.

real life, earthquake, daycare, wicked, children

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