why must the kids believe in magic, dammit

Jul 18, 2011 16:33

Damn it all, it's happened. A little girl in my class asked me to send a letter to Dumbledore. (I do this thing where whenever it's someone's birthday, they get a package from Hogwarts with something small in it for them, and leave the packages next to an open window with owl feathers.) So, I said okay, I'd send it for her.

It says:

"Professor Dumbledore,

Will you send a bunch of Hogwarts wax seals to use as decorations for our party?

PS: Was my brother's owl Errol?

PPS: I would like to become a Hogwarts student, would that be possible?"

I would like to become a Hogwarts student, would that be possible?


I always write for Dumbledore, what the hell do I say to THAT? T_____T

She's eleven and obviously wants to go, I am a horrible person, argh.

harry potter, children

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