walk a little straighter daddy, you're leading me

Jun 19, 2011 18:39

My dad and I share a complicated relationship. I love him because he's my dad and I have fond memories and he does stuff that shows he genuinely does care about me, but I also hate him for doing such a shitty job at this dad thing and trying to break my self esteem and just in general being a dickface, so Father's Day stirs up all these complicated, angry, bitter emotions and I don't know what to do. I really don't. I end up getting him a card, but I spend the couple weeks before Father's Day feeling unpleasantly nostalgic.

Today wasn't bad, on the whole. we didn't have any magical bonding moments, but he wasn't a total tool and anyway we didn't talk about any hot topics. We took him to dinner at a nice place, I shared some raw oysters with him because the two of us are the only people in our family who will eat them. Raspberry Point oysters, sweet and complex and tasting of the sea. (We share similar tastes in food.) I got him a McDonalds gift card because he takes the nephew there a lot, which means now there's more money for baby visits!

Anyway, all around a not-unpleasant day. Yesterday I babysat and watched Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer, which turned out to be cuter than I thought it would be and all about a wacky kid and her wacky artist aunt and her wacky Bigfoot-finding baby brother and it all culminated in a car chase after some guy in a Bigfoot costume. Not a horrible movie, good for kids, and cute without the sarcastic adult humor that is all too prevalent in kid films lately. (Looking at you, Kung Fu Panda and anything Dreamworks.)

After that, I took the kiddies to the book store and Target to hang out, got them some candy, and took their exhausted butts home to pass out. Apparently they had enough energy to hide my purse, though. The girl used to hide my shoes when she was little so I couldn't leave. I think the more rambunctious boy chose to hide my purse, though, seeing that I found it in the trash can. No little girl as sweet and organized as this one would ever hide a nice purse in a trash can. The mom was so embarrassed. Fortunately, as trash cans go, this one was clean and full of mainly paper waste. The purse is undamaged, but I searched an hour for that thing. What a weekend!

How have you guys been spending yours?

real life, babbling

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