the stars came falling on our heads, but they're just old light

May 31, 2011 13:46

Okay, someone go ahead and tell me why I had a Toy Story dream during my one hour nap on break. A sad, depressing Toy Story dream in which Woody is apparently one of the last toys standing (like usual), and there are a couple others with him like Hamm and Potato Head, but it's definitely a different owner than Andy or Bonnie.

And for some reason Buzz got sent away and it's been years and years and he just now came back, only reset to Toy Story 2 Buzz and doesn't understand what's going on and Woody is just...old. Obviously he looks and sounds the same, but the way he talks is so old and you could feel that he really missed Buzz but everyone already moved on, and it was just a sad dream. But why TOY STORY? (aflightoffancy , before you say anything, I have not been watching Pixar with my nephew again.)

Had a great three-day weekend. Not much to say about it. Watched Pirates 4. Not much to say about that aside from: this movie is hugely stupid and poorly plotted and scripted, but fun to watch. Also, killer mermaids. And then my dad and mom went mad with the barbeque and we had steaks and ribs and corn-on-the-cob and potato chips and watermelon. You know, summer foods. And I took my nephew to the mall and we rode on the miniature train that goes through there, which made me feel like I was in a moving cardboard box, but my nephew was clearly enthralled. He was really clinging to me this weekend- sometimes literally wrapping his arm around my leg or trying to hang off the back of my pants or demanding 'heavy', which is his two year-old language for 'pick me up'. So adorable.

How was your weekend, guys?

Also, meme:

Give me two different fandoms and I'll talk to you about their crossover OTP.

fandom, baby gabe the amazing, real life, summer, awesome, meme

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