where's my rainbow, where's my yellow brick road?

Feb 05, 2011 11:27

Life update: still tired. I feel like this might be what happened to my old depression: instead of actually feeling depressed, I just feel drained. I do have cycles where I don't feel like doing much of anything, and that's when my livejournal goes silent and my writing dries up and I don't feel like watching much of anything, either. It's harmless enough, but frustrating.

You know what's weird? When I was in high school, I used to get stress-related vertigo. Some people got migraines, but not me. I would have these periods of extreme dizziness; they were even worse when I laid down. When I laid down, the dizziness grabbed hold of me and got increasingly worse as I waited to pass out, but never did. I'd eventually have to prop myself up and try to wait it out. Haven't gotten that in a while, hopefully I won't. I feel like writing about a character with stress-related vertigo, since it's something I'm familiar with and might be a fun writing exercise, who knows.

The GOP's attempts to define rape as force-only and limit abortions even more is disheartening, but not surprising. Honestly, reading anything about politics in this country is terrifying me, as the Tea Party and GOP try to strip minorities of their freedoms, as they preach hateful, violent rhetoric and only get nominally called on it. (Sarah Palin seems to be the only one taking some heat, when there are a whole load of others that could benefit from it.) I drove past the Catholic church the other day and they had an 'abortion is murder' banner hanging, and I had the immediate urge to go and tear it down. I have entirely lost my patience with the entire conservative mindset towards women's sexuality and women's bodies.

Meanwhile, I went to D&D yesterday and sat there reading two books as the group looked stuff up in books, muttered to themselves, and generally accomplished nothing, as usual. I've been playing this game for six years and we're in the final 'boss's' lair, drawing very close to the finale, or else I'd have quit already. I'm certainly not there for the company, as I can't stand listening to one member, barely know another, have learned to tolerate one, and see the other two every Sunday. I wouldn't mind so much if the asshole I couldn't stand could just keep his big mouth shut about women, anything sociopolitical, and anything regarding himself. He's a megalomaniacal, narcissistic, arrogant dickwit. Yesterday he was nattering on about 'women's ideas about inner beauty' and how it doesn't exist. I hope he gets hit by a freight train carrying tampons.

To cheer myself up today, I think I'll set some time away to read books and eat Cherry Garcia ice cream. Because that shit is delicious.

this sucks like a hoover, rant, depressed, real life, i hate the human race, abortion, sexism, feminism, prejudice

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