still collecting glass bottles

Oct 13, 2010 10:06

Okay, so. There's a Bechdel Test Ficathon that I'm currently in love with over here. I haven't actually requested anything yet, but I am definitely searching for stuff to respond to.

I'm having mixed feelings about fall. On one hand, I actually quite like fall. I like the mood, I like the atmosphere, I like the leaves turning and the air getting cool while still remaining a decent temperature. I like pumpkin pie and jack-o-lanterns and I absolutely adore Halloween, a holiday in which my inner child comes out to play like never before. I love the candies that pop out for Halloween in the chocolate stores, (blood orange bat!), and I love getting dressed up in ridiculous costumes and going to work.

Unfortunately, it means we draw ever closer to winter, and I hate winter.
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