if looks could kill, my profession would be staring

Jun 25, 2010 01:47

Been a while since I posted last, but it's been pretty tough at work recently- hours went up, break went down, and I'm coming home hot and wiped out. If nothing else, because the air conditioning in the school is malfunctioning, so my back classroom is a wasteland of heat. Good god. And it's not even that hot outside, to tell you the truth. It's mainly humid. Horribly humid. I do enjoy my heat, but I like it dry. I'll get on the leftover meme responses tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I love these kids. I was playing MASH with this boy named Jalen, who picked for his tuxedo colors pink, baby blue, purple, and finally black (last resort), and among his picks for 'pet' were a horse, a dog, a zebra, and his friend Noah. Giving us the fun quote of: "NOOOOO you wiped out my zebra for a pet." Pause. "Well, at least Noah's still available." I mean, really? Really? Oh, you kids.

Noah's this baby-faced sweetie pie who has found soulmates in a very thin child named Vignesh, and together they are Indiana Jones-worshipping LEGO cultists, I kid you not. They are joined at the hip and even walk around the playground holding hands, which is fucking adorable. Meanwhile, the obnoxious coworker, in a move that both screams homophobia and sexualizes child behavior, yells at them to stop holding hands because it's gross and boys don't hold hands with each other.

I can not stand this woman. Just recently, a little girl (5) went to the bathroom (both genders can go in it) with a little boy (5) after lunch time. The obnoxious coworker started screaming at the little girl that she was gross, that was disgusting, girls and boys don't do that together, what was wrong with her, etc. No talking to the boy. Just the girl. Never mind that they're five years old. Never mind that they have been friends since they were babies and take baths together at their house. Way to make the little girl feel like shit, you jerk. If it's really a problem, maybe you should talk to the parents after telling them to use different bathrooms politely. Christ.

real life, daycare

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