is it because these people DON'T review and are defensive?

Jun 10, 2010 10:15

I don't understand why people are so quick to fly off the handle when anyone, no matter how politely, expresses the opinion that they might want some feedback on their fanfic. I mean, seriously. Saying: "I wish I had more reviews, not faves", or "It would be nice if you left a quick note," is not saying: "I DEMAND YOU WORSHIP ME, BITCH."

I think it's a legitimate feeling that a lot of fanfic writers have. I know when I post something, and it gets no response, I wonder why. I want critique telling me if I did something wrong. Or if people fave but don't review, I want to know why they faved or what exactly they liked. Wanting feedback isn't a bad thing, and it doesn't make you a horrible, demanding, stuck-up bitch. You're just an author who wants someone to tell them about their story. Perfectly natural.

So what the fuck is all the wank about?

discussion, fanfic, fandom, probably wankbait

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