in which people continue to be prejudiced cretins

Jun 08, 2010 12:20

I think Arizona has made it to the top of the list of states I don't ever want to visit in a million years, never ever until someone has made the equivalent of a nuclear bomb that targets idiocy. Just a little while ago, (and I wanted to blog this but couldn't find the words,) there was a nice mural done by children, openly featuring a couple kids of Hispanic and black ethnicity. Some children were painting it with some of the teachers. As they did so, cars would routinely drive by, yelling ethnic insults like: 'nigger' and 'spic'. The principal almost made the decision to lighten the skin color of the children on the mural because of complaints.

Stuff like this scares the shit out of me.

It's sad when South Carolina is beginning to look more appealing. I've been to South Carolina, and it's a mess, but at least I can walk around without worrying about people asking to see my green card. The idea that people must be pushing an agenda to have a POC in a visible position is obnoxious. They see whiteness as some sort of standard of normalcy, if someone with brown skin shows up, something must be terribly wrong. There must be an agenda in play. Or else why would they have this alien-looking creature in plain view on our elementary school? In a school, I might note, with black and latino students. These children attend the school.

Even in my classroom, there's been more race fail. All in one week, I had one child tell an Indian child that he couldn't play Indiana Jones because he was white, he had to play the dark-skinned villain. I had a kid say all the black people in our classroom were from Africa. I had another little girl tell me that the witch I was drawing for her 'will probably like me, because I'm white'. She said it right in front of two little black girls, who were her friends. One of them started crying. I called the parents in that case, and they were appropriately mortified.

But for Christ's sake, how can people claim we live in postracial America when mindsets like this are so prevalent?

politics, real life, racism, daycare, race

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