I love you, new fandom. I love you so much. Give me a few more episodes and I will be desperately searching for fanfic and pouring out adulation in squee-laden blog posts...quite like this one. It's actually quite rare for me to fall for a show this fast and this hard. Congrats, Doctor Who. You snagged me. You blinded me with science shippy moments
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JUST A WEE BIT BLATANT, RIGHT? Oh, my god, by the end I was like 'really? he's the last, you say? the very last? really?'
Do all of the Doctor Who plotlines deal with creepy, fucked-up creatures? If so, WHERE HAS THIS SHOW BEEN ALL MY LIFE.
Watch the Moffet episodes. I was just talking to a friend about his amazing ability to make such simple things so fucking terrifying.
And how he stomped on the communicator when Bob told him that the Angel was making her countdown to her death to frighten her because they thought it was fun.
Agreed. It was the wholesome tone that just made the whole thing.
I would have liked more explanation on these things, like...what created them, where did they come from, and what the hell do they do to you after they kill you. Eat your soul? Drink your blood? Steal your left sock? Would have been nice.
Oh my god you need to watch "Blink" right this very moment. Seriously. It's another creepy, wonderful Moffet episode and explains how the angels kill.
Blink sounds amazing! I'll go look to see if I can find it on the site.
Sorry, sidetrack.
Yes, it was a great episode and I hope Sally Sparrow shows up in later episodes - although maybe not - she was pretty perfect in Blink.
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