i saw a man who sang the blues and i asked him for some happy news

Apr 28, 2010 12:57

I'm hating the news lately.

Really, REALLY hating the news lately.

First the bullshit in Utah, in which a law was passed to make miscarriage illegal. Then, the bullshit in Arizona, where the state promotes racism by allowing cops to question and detain anyone they believe to be in the state illegally, and now this absolute horseshit in Oklahoma, where a woman who wants an abortion must first be given an ultrasound showing of the fetus she wants to abort (mass of cells at that point), and be told the development of their unwanted baby. Also, they can lie about whether or not the fetus is unhealthy or deformed. Did I mention that incest and rape victims are subject to this? Did I mention that ultrasound requires a vaginal probe? Rape victims who want to abort are going to be forcibly vaginal-probed and lectured to about not getting an abortion?


Does anyone have some good news? Any little piece of good news? I'm desperate, here.

rant, racism, i am too enraged to rant intelligently, i hate the human race, get the castration knife, abortion, sexism

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