annnd finally watched the Glee episode

Apr 18, 2010 12:10

So. I watched Glee.

I am officially in love with Idina Menzel, because...I love Idina Menzel anywhere. It was love at first sight. I also spent the latter half of the episode getting my hate on for the people treating Rachel like dirt. For fuck's. Sake. She's a member of your club, not a criminal on trial. How about you talk to her like she's a friend that you actually care about and not some piece of dirt on your shoe? I'm looking at you, Kurt. Every time you talk, I want to beat the shit out of you. That whole scene was so self-righteous I wanted to puke.

Also, Finn? Stop being a Nice Guy. You are not entitled to Rachel. She is not obligated to go out with you again now that you've decided it's okay to. Especially not when you out and say shit like: "I have to listen to you talk more now," like it's some huge chore. Congrats, guys. Your crappy behavior is driving her into this relationship with a guy who actually acts like he loves her and is interested in her and is probably, ultimately, going to break her heart.

That ending scene with her looking so emotionally conflicted and miserable while singing with her group, then walking off stage? Broke my heart.

Still love and adore the crazy cheerleading coach, and Will and Emma's scenes were lovely. I like Emma putting her foot down and ending that relationship before it goes unhealthy while at the same time expressing her maturity as a grown woman. Congrats, Emma.

I really. REALLY. Hope that the Rachel/Jesse arc doesn't end with her getting hurt and Finn coming in to save her and date her on the rebound. I will blind myself.

glee, review

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