oh god, i can see forever

Oct 29, 2009 02:12

xxx-Holic, you are the god of making the mundane and trivial seem epic and angsty.

So, we don't see that much of a continuation of the headfuck that is skinned cat virgin, but Watanuki sees her in a dream in which, surprise, she looks just like the lady owner of the instrument. She says 'strike', which apparently indicates that she wants to be played. So, Watanuki gets a thing out of Yuuko's stash of loot to play her with. ALL OF THIS IS DONE WITH UTMOST SUSPENSE AND DRAMA. My god, it's the equivalent of getting a guitar pick! Don't you think you guys are being just a little ridiculous with all this dramatic angst? Can we save that for when something actually interesting is happening?

I'm wondering how they're going to end this. If Yuuko truly is dead, which is sad, because we didn't get much of a resolution from her demise, then how is Watanuki going to get free of the shop? Will he just stay in there and never age and continue in a static state? How will the egg that Doumeki has help him out of the situation? I really hope they won't pull a Tsubasa on this, because of the two of them, xxx-Holic had much more solid storytelling and consistent characters, as well as having superior concepts. I really do enjoy all the Japanese mythology peeking in the series, and I like the entire cast of characters. Watanuki isn't deified or shown as perfect, Himawari was awesome and tragic and had a sense of agency, and none of these characters gets on my nerves. (With the exception of Watanuki during the cooking storyline, but that was just as much out of frustration for the dragging plot.)

In conclusion, it needs moar Himawari and Kohane and that ame-warashi that we never see anymore.

Meanwhile, in other manga news, I hear that Sakura is getting fucked over by Kishimoto yet again and tells Naruto to just forget about Sasuke and getting him back because she doesn't love him any more and wants Naruto instead. I think my brain broke. Like, literally broke and is now leaking brain juice all over the floor. What is the DEAL with this author? Is it not enough to have Madara pull his batshittery and attempt to tsukiomi the moon? Is it not enough to waste a whole arc on Pain and have it accomplish nothing? Is it not enough to give Naruto amazing super genius powers and erase all concept of Naruto-manga's concept of teamwork by making this the Naruto-and Sasuke-only show and marginalizing all the other characters into nonexistence? Does he really have to continue to fuck up every single aspect of his manga and his characterization and his plot? DOES HE HAVE NO SHAME?

You know what I want? Instead of a giant Naruto kink meme, I want a giant Naruto wish meme. It's what it sounds like, a giant, flying, FUCK YOU in the face of this guy Kishimoto, who can not write worth a damn and is flushing all of his characters down the tube. You sign up, you post stuff that you wish happened in canon or how you wanted Canon Plot/Subplot A to turn out instead of the turbulent crap-pool it actually is, and people write it for you. A giant wish-fulfillment thread for all the other sad, disappointed, embittered fans who wish that Konan had been invited to the Kage council, or that Tsunade got to fight Pain, or that Sasuke had ended his crusade after Itachi died, or that Madara had something more interesting in mind than hypnotizing people with the moon.

I'd do it, too, but no one freaking knows me in this fandom.

review, naruto, rant, what manner of jackassery is this, failboat, fandom, manga, xxx-holic

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