let's go fly, fly a kite

Jun 30, 2009 21:35

Almost the fourth of July. I have no work on Friday, since the daycare is closed, so maybe I can start my painting then. I kind of want to do something this fourth of July, though, and not just sit in the cul-de-sac, watching fireworks we bought in South Carolina where it's legal. Maybe I can drag my friends off to Virginia Beach or Ocean City, even though I bet it's going to be crowded as all hell. I like to visit the beach at night- any time at all, really. I've been really 'homesick' for Puerto Rico lately, listening to Spanish music and reminiscing. A trip to the beach would be fun.

What does everyone else have planned for the fourth? (Non-American friends, TELL ME YOUR PLANS FOR SATURDAY, I GUESS.)

musings, real life

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