i'm a slave to the wheel and there isn't any stopping

Jun 24, 2009 10:44

After re-reading some more Naruto out of boredom, I've decided that it's logical to come to the assumption that Sasuke is probably going to kill Kakashi. Failing that, I think he's going to really try to kill Kakashi, and get distracted/stopped at the last moment. This may be a one on one showdown, just to get the perfect amount of deja vu. Why do I think this? Because Kishimoto is overly impressed by the cyclical nature of history, and tries as hard as possible to show this in his manga. In Naruto, history is on constant replay. (This may also be because Kishimoto can only think in five plots, but bear with me.)

The theme of 'black sheep student kills mentor' has been repeated three times already in here: Pain killing Jiraiya, Orochimaru killing Sarutobi, and Sasuke killing Orochimaru. (Itachi killing his father might go under this, but it's not exactly comparable.) Both of these older 'black sheep' students were part of similar three-person teams consisting of a Naruto type, a Sasuke type, and a Sakura type. Both of them chose to kill their mentors out of ideological differences, because the mentor was 'getting in the way' of their goal. In Sasuke's case, murdering Orochimaru, the member of the pre-Naruto triad, could be set up to foreshadow a future attempt to murder the master before Orochimaru.  Thoughts?

musings, naruto

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