isn't there a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere?

Mar 31, 2009 01:09

Hey, asshole. I know you want to be a helpful big man and help out a little woman in distress, but get the fuck away when I am jumpstarting someone else's car. I know what I'm doing. I am perfectly capable of performing one of the simplest tasks of automobile maintenance. When you saunter over and ask in your macho man voice: "Do you ladies need help?" and I say: "No, I've got it covered," it does not mean: "I'm helpless and would like you to stand by my side giving me instructions." Only my finely tuned sense of courtesy and the fact that we were in the presence of my elderly coworker, whose car I was jumpstarting, kept me from telling you to fuck off. You're lucky I just told you to go away instead of dropping my car kit and its heavy, metal contents, on your foot. Or better yet, swinging them right in your groin.

In conclusion, please go die in a fire.

Sincerely, the disgruntled daycare employee.

rant, crushing time now, get the castration knife, sexism

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