Revolution ficlets: 'The Snowman' and 'The Nativity Play'

Dec 08, 2013 18:51

Title: The Snowman (also on AO3)
Fandom: nbc's Revolution
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Miles, Bass, Charlie, Rachel, Aaron and Gene
Prompt: From nbc_revolution 's Community Prompt Table: 25 prompts in 25 days, prompt Snowman.
Summary: It's suddenly snowing in Willoughby and the gang discover that Miles was turned into a snowman and he's not happy about it.

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type: ficlet, character: bass monroe, character: rachel matheson, character: gene porter, show: revolution, character: charlie matheson, character: ben matheson, character: miles matheson, character: aaron pittman, 25 fics in 25 days

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remainvanishing December 8 2013, 21:06:03 UTC
That was great and exactly what I needed! I'm feeling all bleeeh and sad and this made me smile. :D Grumpy Snowman Miles is so precious! Bass and Charlie decorating him. LOL Btw, your Bass is SO GOOD, he's... Bass.
My favorite part, LOL
'Don't you dare stick that carrot on my face!' Miles warned.
"Where do you want me to stick it?" Bass asked innocently

And big brother Bass, that was so adorable. Happy Bass always makes my heart melt. I have to add this to my flashback wish list: pre-blackout Bass with his sisters.

You rock :)


ivy_b December 9 2013, 07:44:44 UTC
My Superhero twin!

That was great and exactly what I needed! I'm feeling all bleeeh and sad and this made me smile.

Well, I'm glad I managed to cheer you up, but why are you sad? Don't be sad! I forbid it! *hugs Nika*

Grumpy Snowman Miles is so precious! Bass and Charlie decorating him.

Grumpy Snowman Miles is so precious, Aaron wished there was still internet, so he could create a 'Grumpy Snowman Miles' Meme to rival that of 'Grumpy Cat'.

And Bass and Charlie are adorable partners in crime.

LOL Btw, your Bass is SO GOOD, he's... Bass.
My favorite part, LOL

Haha, thanks! I think the line you quoted was me channeling my inner Butters, she must have rubbed off on me during the rewatch chat. I'm not complaining, though. *g*

And big brother Bass, that was so adorable. Happy Bass always makes my heart melt. I have to add this to my flashback wish list: pre-blackout Bass with his sisters. Thanks, I loved writing that part. Bass with his sisters is on my flashback wish list as well! I really wish we could see Bass with his family ( ... )


remainvanishing December 9 2013, 20:34:20 UTC
My Superhero twin!

My Superhero Better Half! Just saw the Charlie & Gene you posted, you're on a roll! You go girl!

Well, I'm glad I managed to cheer you up, but why are you sad? Don't be sad! I forbid it! *hugs Nika*

No reason in particular, just having a bad day I guess. But I'm all better now and Grumpy Snowman Miles was a big help :D

Aaron wished there was still internet, so he could create a 'Grumpy Snowman Miles' Meme to rival that of 'Grumpy Cat'.

That's no competition, Grumpy Miles beats all the grumpy in the world.

I think the line you quoted was me channeling my inner Butters

I don't know, maybe I've read too many of Butters' Miloe fics lately but it just sounded so very much them. :D


ivy_b December 9 2013, 20:51:38 UTC
My Superhero Better Half! Just saw the Charlie & Gene you posted, you're on a roll! You go girl!

Awwww, stop! And I think the roll is over, because most of the prompts are taken and I really need to focus on the Santa thing (the reason I didn't answer the email was because I didn't want to answer until I wrote some more, or I'd feel like a flop). I probably wrote that ficlet to procrastinate. I've been having some issues with the Bass-Rachel segment, so I skipped it for now and wrote the Pre-blackout Matheson part (it's about 970 words and fluffy).

We'll see how it goes tomorrow.

No reason in particular, just having a bad day I guess. But I'm all better now and Grumpy Snowman Miles was a big help :D

Yay! So happy to hear it helped, Grumpy Snowman Miles is happy to be of service (no he's not, he's grumpy, but let's pretend he is).

That's no competition, Grumpy Miles beats all the grumpy in the world.

YESSSSSS! So Grumpy, so cute!

I don't know, maybe I've read too many of Butters' Miloe fics lately but it just sounded so very ( ... )


remainvanishing December 9 2013, 21:45:06 UTC
I'm not going to stop :D And don't even say things like that! You're not a flop, you're doing great. Look at me and my 'not really sure what it is yet' thing, LOL Should we really be talking about it here, in the open?

no he's not, he's grumpy, but let's pretend he is

He's grumpy to be of service? :D You should turn it into a series, The Adventures of Miles The Grumpy Snowman. :D


ivy_b December 10 2013, 06:24:42 UTC
I'm not going to stop :D And don't even say things like that! You're not a flop, you're doing great. Look at me and my 'not really sure what it is yet' thing, LOL Should we really be talking about it here, in the open?

Well, it's my lj and we were mostly being vague, but you're right, we should stop discussing our Secret Santa here. I'll officially reply to your email later today.

He's grumpy to be of service? :D You should turn it into a series, The Adventures of Miles The Grumpy Snowman. :D

LOL! If I could get cracky inspiration for more, I'd consider writing another one-shot. I doubt it, but you never know! Maybe he'll find a way to bounce around and headbutt people, like the Knight in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail".


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