Revolution Fic: Leave My Mark on the World

Dec 17, 2012 00:20

So it looks like I might be writing again?

Title: Leave My Mark on the World
Fandom: NBC's Revolution
Rating: PG or teen
Characters: Charlie, Miles, Nora and Aaron
Pairing: None, gen
Prompt: From nbc_revolution Community Prompt Table (007. Mark)
Summary: Post 1X7 "The Children's Crusade", Charlie muses on the M brand and what it means. References past episodes ( Read more... )

character: charlie matheson, type: fic, character: nora clayton, character: miles matheson, 100 fics in 100 days, character: aaron pittman, show: revolution

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Comments 4

corycides December 16 2012, 22:31:26 UTC
Oh, I have been wanting to see a Charlie response to the brand. It's such a BIG thing in universe, but we've not seen it returned to yet.

I like to see Charlie struggling with what her uncle did too, with it being a continuing process.


ivy_b December 16 2012, 22:39:03 UTC
Geez you're fast. Yeah, I agree- it's such a huge thing (they even showed her being branded twice) but it's never brought up again- not by Miles and not by Charlie.

I like the idea of Charlie not being 100% ok with things Miles did, but because it happened a long time ago and not to her (that she knows) she finds some way to accept it. Of course all bets are off when she (and we) find out about Rachel-Miles and how Miles' actions directly affected her and her family.

I like process, like the growing Miles-Charlie dynamic being one of my favorites on the show.

Anyway, thanks for commenting! I kept seeing you filling prompts and was worried you were going for the one I wanted (and would write such a great fic I wouldn't want to fill it as well).


refisher December 19 2012, 18:42:49 UTC
This was so. freaking. good. I loved how you explored their characterizations through the single mark, and I think each of your characterizations are on point. Fics that psychologize are the freaking best.

I especially like how you've written Charlie and how in-her-head we get to be!


ivy_b December 19 2012, 18:51:55 UTC
OMG, thank you so much for commenting! I really haven't written anything in years and I was so nervous to start again and in a new fandom.

I loved how you explored their characterizations through the single mark, and I think each of your characterizations are on point.

I'm glad you feel that way, I was really hoping that Aaron and Nora came off in character and yeah, I love the idea that it's a mark, but it can have different meanings to different people.

I especially like how you've written Charlie and how in-her-head we get to be!

I really don't know how this happened to me, LOL. Charlie isn't my LEAST favorite character, but I only started to kinda like her around episode 6. I never thought I'd end up getting into her head, but there you have it, LOL.


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