Oct 30, 2011 21:53
Aset, or as many know Her, Isis, has always been my personal Matron. I have given service to several others over the years for different reasons and purposes, but She has always been the primary Diety I converse with on a daily basis. At times, her altar has occupied unlikely spots, simply because that’s where SHE wanted to be. Usually near water, even on the back of the toilet tank in an apartment. Occasionally She would make preferences known when she wanted something in addition to the normal offerings of jasmine flowers and poetry.
This morning, she was quite vocal, in my brain, she was very insistent. A psychologist would be concerned and ask me how long I’ve been hearing these ‘voices’ in my head clairaudiently. Would be alarmed at the answer when I would reply, “Oh..about 30 years now..give or take.” The first thing many ‘Drs’ would want to do is medicate me. Indeed, I have been medicated for depression twice in my life. Once in 1991 at the end of my last legal marriage and once again when my daughter became pregnant and my mother developed cancer the same year. Given the fact that She has not been vocal to me in quite some time, and the fact that I am more ‘down’ now than I have been in recent years as well as approaching the dark time of the year when I sometimes will have what is known as SADD associated with seasonal depression, it’s even more suspect. I need light. I have to work really hard in the winter months to get enough sunlight or I really do go bonkers.
Last night I made some arnica oil for my aching calves. I’ve been doing some stretches that have left them rather sore as well as my lower back protesting and the arnica helps with muscle strain. However I was instructed to use a bottle I have had on my altar for more than 20 years, a blown Egyptian glass bottle intended for perfume. I have it on there because it is cobalt blue, from Egypt and a gift from a student who was also an Isis aficionado many years ago. I was told to use the bottle and add nine drops of lavender essential oil and five drops of the Isian spirit oil I also have on the altar with which to anoint her idol. This oil contains spikenard, vetiver, cedarwood, patchouli, spruce, jasmine and orange. It is a mimic of a blend I found many years ago and tried to recreate. I like mine better. Anyway, I’ve no idea why she wanted the lavender added, and I said as much and was told that I should do what I was told and let her worry about the reasons why.
OOOkay...Lady, you’re the boss!
So, I did what she asked and transferred some of the oil to the bottle and added the additional ingredients she asked for and put it back on the altar with my normal morning devotional. To my surprise She said it was a gift for ME!! She told me to use it like hand lotion on my hands in the mornings as I did my devotional to her and it would make my hands hurt less! I’m like, “Get outta town! For real?” And she replied, that she was tired of hearing me talk about how much my hands hurt. She knew I was doing all I could to alleviate the pain and thought I deserved a break. She said that as long as I used it every morning while communing with Her that I would continue to get relief.
Well, I spent the rest of the day looking up references for Arnica. I knew it was good for muscle aches and that was the reason I was making it in the first place. I wanted to sleep without my legs hurting and keeping me awake. Once I get to sleep I’m fine, but getting there can be a job when your legs are aching from strain. Soon I know it will go away, as my body adjusts to the new demands, but right now..yeah, I wanted some help with that. I was surprised to find that Arnica is used ‘specifically for osteoarthritis of the hands’.
I know, I know, She’s a Goddess, so I should not be surprised. Really. But there is something about being asked to do something one thinks is FOR one’s Matron and then having it be returned as a gift. Now, I know better than to believe this is a mark of special favor, but I still have my sense of wonder that the Lady of Ten Thousand Names takes the time to hear me when I speak to and about her and praise her legends and stories and her sheer awesomeness of tenure in the pantheons of the world. It was gratifying, puzzling, and awe inspiring all at the same time. It’s one of those things I would never have shared with anyone if Robb hadn’t been right here with me when it was going on and was with me as I was looking up the current research for uses of Arnica. To me, it meant that it should be shared, that it could give someone hope...or at the very least a nice remedy for their ‘rheumatism’!
Dried Arnica Flowers
Olive Oil
Vitamin E Oil (preservative)
Lavender Essential Oil
Cedarwood, Orange, Vetiver, Patchouli, vetiver, jasmine and spikenard.
I added the essential oils AFTER the oil had cooled so it needed to be mixed. If I had been making myself, I would have added them while it was still warm, but that's just me.