There is plenty about paganism that is already available to children through school and even through the gaming industry. Mythology, world history, evolution, science, environmentalism…all of these have material that could be better used by parents to expose their children to subjects that require a more open mindset. That’s all you should be passing on…an open mind. If they see you living a satisfying life, both materially and spiritually, that is the best representation of paganism you can offer them. The ‘train up a child the way he should go and he shall not depart from it’ approach of Christianity is tantamount to child abuse because fear is the main tool. It doesn’t leave any room for the natural curiosity of children. Paganism is a wonderland of variety, but it can also be a place of eternal dissatisfaction in the search for ‘absolutes’. That’s what Christianity offers, absolutes. We pagans do not approach life in this manner. The only reason you should RAISE your children pagan is because you DON’T want them to be Christian…and that’s the same thing Christianity does…it takes away the child’s ability to make a choice. Don’t do it. My daughter is 30, and is quick to thank me and tell others that she was never forced by me to believe anything that didn’t make sense to her.