Living with a Pisces with a Virgo moon has its challenges. For that matter, if it were a Virgo with a Pisces moon it might be even worse so I should thank my lucky stars. As it is though, when the moon is in Pisces or Virgo, I might as well get ready to concede, compromise and capitulate or the world as I know it could end at any given moment.
I am amazed at how relevant things I didn't do a week ago are somehow relevant today, this instant. Like for instance, I 'sort of' agreed to bfing home something 'dessert-like" when I stopped to get stuff for dinner the other night. Well, there was a sale on chicken breasts for 1.19 a pound so I bought a bunch. I also got the catfood and milk needed. But I failed to buy anything that was 'dessert like' ...say ice cream or Little Debbie Cakes or you name it.
This evening as I am getting off the interstate onto Neyland Drive, the phone rings.
"Hey there,"
"Hey babe" I reply.
"What're you doin'?"
"Driving home."
"Where are you?"
"Neyland Drive."
"What do you want to do for dinner?"
"We have chicken, rice and I have enough money to pick up some vegetables to steam."
"Okay, that'll work."
Now, does this sound like to you that I asked him to cook dinner? Doesn't it sound like I had a plan for dinner? Now any normal person would surmise from this conversation that I was going to the store to pick up vegetables for dinner...tonight.
Nope, apparently I wasn't clear enough. He didn't figure out that I was going to pick up the vegetables. When I get home, he's in a tizzy.
"What took you so long?"
"You said you were on Neyland Drive at 6:20. It's 7:00 now, what happened?"
Blank stare. I offer the bag with the vegetables. He goes into orbit.
"Where's the ice cream? I only asked you to pick up ONE thing, something for dessert. Noooo...I get vegetables."
Personally...I think he's got blood sugar problems. Anyway, I look at the calendar and yep..Moon in Pisces....WANING FULL MOON in Pisces. Both Sun and Moon are begin aspected. Apparently not in a good way either.
I got to the kitchen and discover there are MORE dishes in the sink after I was told that no drinking glasses were anywhere else in the house..even though the cabinet is empty of clean ones and there are a grand total of three in the dishwasher after I loaded it before.
"Where did all the glasses come from?"
"I guess from Curtis' room"
"Um, didn't you tell me that YOU checked in there and there weren't any last night?"
"No, I had Zac check before he left on Sunday."
"So you had Zac check Curtis' room when you said that YOU did but he check four DAYS ago?"
"Uh something like that. Why are you in my way?"
"Because I need a clean sink to start dinner. So I am loading the dishwasher."
"I'm cooking dinner, so move."
Gods help me. At least he cooked dinner. I bought a bag of carrots, green beans, zuchini and red peppers and a separate bag of broccoli. I usually do that and add broccoli separate because there is never enough in a variety type bag...and I LIKE broccoli, lots of it. For some reason, the broccoli never made it into the stir fry that we had for dinner. Oh well, I can make a meal out of steamed broccoli and shredded cheese and a little I eat the chicken with rice and the carrots and zuchini and beans. No broccoli.
I'm slightly amazed at this point. Time seems to be running together for him. He won't go back to the doctor until I go. Which I won' least not yet. But I am convinced it's his blood sugar that makes him morph into Mr Hyde. After he eats, he is his sweet loveable self again and I am left feeling like I am the one who fucked up.
Gods only know what the rest of the night will be like. I think I will find a book and read or clean off my desk or something. Ah yes..laundry...that will keep me out of his way.
Now, my question is: Did I not get broccoli because he didn't get ice cream?
Gods know, but I don't.