I've lurked here a long time, and had planned to post fic, at some point, but got anxious and never really have. In any event, I have been writing something kind of sporadically over at fanfiction.net, so thought I'd post a note saying so here, in case anyone was interested and doesn't read there. The title is Small Acts of Kindness, it's rated what used to be referred to as NC-17, and it's still in progress. Since this is the unexpurgated edition (read: not yet beta'd) I would be grateful for any and all comments and criticisms. The URL is:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2620175/1/ I warn also that I don't always post with the greatest of speed, depending on what life throws my way, although I think it's about halfway through right now; it ended up being way more dark than I'd planned (apologies for the melodrama, but I like melodrama, and its Weiss, after all) and I do like to write those cliffhangers. I'd post it here also when it was done, but since it's taking so long and that seems kind of redundant, I thought I'd post this note instead. Maybe I will post it here, eventually, or if anyone asks, but possibly not today.