not afraid to fall [chapter 7]

Mar 18, 2012 12:12

Title: not afraid to fall [chapter 7]
Author: ivoryroyale
Genre: supernatural, friendship, hurt/comfort, drama, suspense
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language
Summary: in a which a group of six aren't afraid to stand tall because they have each other
Note: 2,902 words. 

[prologue] [chapter 1] [chapter 2] [chapter 3] [chapter 4] [chapter 5] [chapter 6] [ Read more... )

genre: suspense, !series, member: daehyun, member: youngjae, genre: friendship, series: not afraid to fall, fandom: b.a.p, member: yongguk, genre: drama, member: zelo, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: supernatural, member: jongup, member: himchan

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Comments 38

shadow_fictions March 18 2012, 19:36:57 UTC
YAY Mission Time!!

I really like the dynamic Yongguk has with the others, that he tries to be all stern and I am the eldest you will listen and then ends up giving in. ♥

"You're taking me too,"
"I can't,"
"And why not?" legit snorted at this. So petulant.

"I'll be fine." He braves a smile. "I pinky swear," GAH SO CUTE.

Pick another celeb. Cameos are fun and make for interesting plot devices. ;D /aversion to OC's because, well, there are loads of people to choose from.

I'd suggest anyone from Suju for the lulz. They'd be good at creepy-demented. XD idk who else though. ummm.


ivoryroyale March 18 2012, 19:48:39 UTC
Yay for missions! I'm really excited to write the mission. x) I'm just gonna be typing it up and I'm gonna have the mission impossible them playing at the back of my head and it'll just be amazing.

Yongguk is just a big softy when it comes to his goofball patched up mutant family. <3

Himchan is not only the petulant diva in my head but also the sweet/cute dork. Lol.

Suju member... Heechul or Kyuhyun? c: Lol. I thought of them first because I think they're the greatest, most moody people of the group. :L


shadow_fictions March 18 2012, 20:06:00 UTC
Writing to music makes everything instantly more emotional for me, lol. XD I'll probably read it with Mission Impossible playing in my head or on iTunes

/Yongguk flail.

Himchan is adorable in any mode, lol. XD

Lol I was gonna say Siwon or Ryeowook because they were the two who popped into my head first. Heechul would fit but he's used as evil a lot, or that's my impression anyway. He's intense I guess. xD Kyuhyun would be amusing.

Lol i can't spell, sorry for the edit. ^^;


ivoryroyale March 18 2012, 20:11:54 UTC
I always listen to music while I write. It helps bring out more emotion for whatever reason. :P

Yeah, Heechul is used as evil a lot. He's incredibly intense. When I first started getting into suju, he sorta scared me. lol. Siwon sounds tempting. I might want to do Ryeowook also... argh. I should just make a poll after everybody nominates people and have people vote on who they want. LOL.


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ivoryroyale March 18 2012, 19:52:09 UTC
I actually thought about using G Dragon, but then I thought I'd get a lot of hate for making him the creepy lab guy, so... lol. I might use him.
And I was shocked when I saw his look in Blue and Fantastic Baby too! I thought I was the only one. LOL.

You shall get more when I update. :3 I'm glad you like my AU. :)
And no shooting self! D: /revives you lol.

Thank you for reading! ^^


andersenmom March 18 2012, 19:55:48 UTC

There are so many ways you can go with this.

Heechul comes to mind, but he's over done as evil. Go with someone innocent looking: Ryeowook, Eunhyuk, youngSaeng, JaeJoong, JoKwon, Kevin, Hoon.

Poor Zelo! That's really scary. So nicely done!


ivoryroyale March 18 2012, 20:02:46 UTC
Ooh, using someone innocent looking would be really daring. Kevin or Eunhyuk as the creepy scientist dude would be so fun to write for me. Omg. I don't know who to pick! So many choices. ._.

Yes, poor maknae. D:
Thank you for reading and commenting! ^^


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ivoryroyale March 18 2012, 20:42:48 UTC
I'm so happy you like it! :D

Yeah, I realize I keep making Youngjae incredibly clueless in parts of the chapters. I didn't mean to but I don't really know how to make his power work in his domestic life so that he looks and acts like a genius so I end up neglecting it instead and making him seem unintelligent compared to the other members. I'm hoping to show his abilities full potential in the "mission" portion of this AU. Hopefully it'll work out and I'll be able to redeem myself but I don't know. =w=

I do like SHINee but they're kind of an overrated band to me. Like, their songs are good and all but they get annoying to me after a while. >.< Key would actually be a great evil lab dude. It'd be fun to write him as evil. I don't know who to choose though; people are giving me so many choices. I've narrowed it down to wanting to write either: Key, Kyuhyun, or GD as the evil lab dude.

Thank you so much for reading and commenting!! ^^ Lol, have fun writing~


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ivoryroyale March 18 2012, 21:04:30 UTC
I usually think of geniuses as that too, but I think I got a little conflicted because I wanted to make Youngjae a genius but I also wanted to add his own personality (because I love Youngjae; he's sweet, mature, and polite, with a dash of attitude and it's great). So I ended up going back and forth between him being logical in emotional situations and then him being clueless when it came to things like Daehyun because he's an awkward turtle and doesn't quite understand social interaction in the romantic aspect and then his character just kind of went all over the place on me and I didn't know how to fix it.

Alright, so GD or Key as my villain. Decisions, decisions...

Creepy lab dude will most likely be a main villain unless I think of something better. LOL. And in reply to that guess: my lips are sealed. /zips lips. lol.

Good luck on the lab report. (sounds like it'd be a crappy thing to work on. ._.)


blurrrylines March 18 2012, 20:20:52 UTC
hmm the creepy lab dude... why not make him yongguks twin brother or something LOOL that would be interesting.
nah im kidding. uhh a kpop celeb? i can see a member from superjunior being the guy LOL idk why

but annyways cant wait to see what the others do to try to save poor zelo~


ivoryroyale March 18 2012, 20:45:24 UTC
People are giving me so many good suggestions~ =w= But I've narrowed down the people to Key, Kyuhyun, or GD. I still don't really know who to pick yet, but I'll figure it out.

Thank you for reading! ^^


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