A - Available? yeah
A - Age: 18
A - Annoyance: lots of things
B - Best Friends?: Kip Za Perrine and Sam
B - Band?: UB40
B - Birthday?: 16/01/88
C - Crush: heh,
C - Car: I think its a mazda familia
C - Cat: Tabatha
D - Dead Pet's: Tigger, Mog
D - Dad's Name: Nic
D - Dog: Kat
E - Easiest person to talk to: lots for different things
E - Eggs: Bennidict
E - Email: hotmail
F - Favorite color?: usually purple, sometimes green, silver or occasionally black
F - Food: not now
F - Foreign Language: french
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: worms
G - God: I don't believe
G - Good Times: With friends
H - Hair Color: Auburn
H - Height: 175cm (I think)
H - Happy: not particularly
I - Ice Cream: kapiti mocha fudge
I - Instrument: tinwhistle, fife, guitar
I - Idol: Cynthia Moss
J - Jewelry: silver necklace, 14 jelly-bracelets, 4 silver bangles, 2 studs, 2 goddess earings, one russian wedding ring, one amber ring, and a triquetra nose stud
J - Job: Caregiver at ihc
J - Jokes: Why does and Elephant paint its feet yellow?
K - Kids: When Im ready
K - Karate: I used to do it
K - Kung Fu: Could be fun...
L - Love or lust: love
L - Longest Car ride: i dunno, from Leicestershire in England to Toulouse in france
L - Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick
M - Milk Flavor: ugh
M - Mother's Name: Rowena
M - Movie Last Watched: When a stranger calls (its bad)
N - Name of Siblings: Jake,
N - Name: Abby
O - One Wish: Happiness for myself and those I love
O - One Phobia: Aliens
O - Otter Pop: and otter on a stick or in a can? (there's an otter in the water swimming around hey down bubble down swimming around)
P - Parents, are they married or divorced: divorced
P - Part of your appearance you like best: hair
P - Part of your Personality you like best:
Q - Quick or Slow?: Quick
Q - Queer or Straight?: straight
Q - Queen or King?: Queen
R - Reason to smile: I have a tattoo and a guitar
R - Reality TV Show: grrrr
R - Right or Left: left (I'm right handed if that was the question but i prefer right
S - Song Last Heard: National anthem at my brothers graduation
S - Series: House
S - Sex: Female
T - Time you woke up: 6.30ish
T - Time Now: 10.45pm
T - Time for bed: soonish, its been a long day
U - Unknown: everything
U - Unicorns: apparently I am a backwards one
U - U are: sleepy
V- Vegetable you love: brussel Sprouts
V - Vegetable you hate: turnips/parsnips (anykind of ~nip vegetable)
V - View on Politics: Bush needs to be shot
W - Worst Habit: apathy
W - What's up?: "The Sky"
W - Wijadija: anytime, just ask
X - X-Rays: I've had several
X - X-Rated: um?
Y - You have something to say?: always, but not right now
Y - Year it is now: 2006.
Y - Yellow?: used to be used as an indicator of schitzophrenia
Z - Zoo Animal: Elephant
Z - Zodiac: Capricorn