Aaaw, this is so good, so very very good. Am already in love with it, the two gorgeous boys between heaven and hell. Love how you picture the two contrasting their differences. One so full of joy and light, being ever-present and missed when not there, and the other so void of emotion and dark, so insignificant that he is not missed at all, neither on the pitch nor on the ride home. Paulo is so very calculating in his envy, seeking out Kitten as the light to his darkness and making an approach immediately. And Kitten, friendly and carefree as always welcomes him with his very own curiosity, wanting to know more about this man with the blank face. He doesn't see the danger, doesn't realize that he is about to make a pact with the devil selling his soul to him for love that will remain unanswered. "It’s spontaneous, unexpected, and Alvaro, he is spontaneous combustion once his clothes are shed. Paulo, cold, cold as stone, he feels sparks coming off that flawless skin, and it burns him. There is such reckless abandon when he moves; such effortless grace and such a beguiling persona. Their bodies are practical mirrors of each other, yet Alvaro has an inch on Paulo where it matters and his chest, it’s more expansive, less fragile."
So good. Love these meetings they have and how they change slowly. Paulo always leaving his lover and taking a part of him with him every time unless he seems soulless and empty himself while Paulo starts to shine. Kitten only wanting love and ending abandoned on the floor totally powerless while Paulo just wants the light and gets away with it. The end is cruel, scary even, but so fitting. And I like how it is Paulo then giving the autograph and being recognized. Really really enjoyed that, thank you so much for posting!!!:))
How are you this morning? More boring DVD recordings?
Paulo, to me, is the epitome of insignificant. Indescribably beautiful, and yet do people even give him a second look? No. Its all JT and Fatwap. Dumb and Dumber. Paulo is left in the cold. And, he is so blank, so very devoid, yet in a way he looks so much like our Sunny Alvaro. He wants not only to own that but to be it. His jealousy turns him into a monster, in a way, desperate to take, always to take, giving nothing but little sprigs in return. Kitten is the curious one, though, isnt he? Ever hopeful. Still waits to see if he can find something good (bit like our fic Kitten eh? Always looking for the good, ever patient) Slowly over time the light shifts. When one starts to shine the other dulls. The strain of a draining relationship just takes away the sparkle. Poor love.
No, no, logging evidence today. Lots of it. Lots and lots and LOTS of it. How are you?
Game tonight.You think there will be sunshine? *hugs*
Fatwap, hee. It is rather strange with Chelsea fans, no? They want the loud filthy English lads and don't care for their Southern beauty with its elegance and hidden charm. Though with Paulo it is very hidden, have to give them that. Glad that we have the sunny one, so glad. I like how he is so desperate in his actions, gives him a nice lively touch that otherwise would never come to the surface, it actually gives him life itself. Curious trusting Kitten, very fic Kittenish, yes. And I think the real one is like that as well. Very trusting at least, always looking for the good in people.
Who will be next? In your other comment you said you wanted to write Masche and Xabi. Is that secretive Xabi/Masche or sinful Xabi/Masche?
Hee, have no idea what logging evidence is but it sounds truly boring. Am currently proof-reading a paper from a friend and I have no clue about the subject. But other than that am fine!!:))
I truly hope there will be. He is not injured according to so he should be there. If not, am rather worried.
We used to call people that in school. Cruel, but true. Fatwap or Fat Walla. Indeed, they do. They want English. Full blooded English, at that. The fact that their English Rose (Terry) is a cheating scumbag and their Midfield Maestro (Fat Frank) is a slimy idiot does not matter.
Ah but he is by far their best looking player.
Love our sunny boys.
Life itself. Almost vampiric, that is.
The real one is lovely, aw. Hopefully. If he was a horrible bastard I would not look twice at him .
Secretive. For our Next Sin I want to do Torres and Gerrard. Pride, no?
It really is boring.Yours sounds much better. Mine is going to take days.
I am worried too, if he is not there. With Riise playing so poorly it would say a lot if he were to be left out.
Fat Walla, never heard that, hee. It's a bit ridiculous the love for the English, isn't it? Keeping in mind how shite they perform when among themselves in the national team.
Best looking and most tragic, oh no that is Sheva but as it's his own fault I don't pity him. Paulo though followed his mentor (and owner, hee) who then left without him, poor thing.
It is almost vampiric indeed, sucking the power out of his clueless victim.
Aw, am sure he is not a horrible bastard. I think he is very kind hearted and always wanting to hug people, aaw.
Aaw, secretive, bless. What are they up to? Torres/Gerrard, oh that might indeed work for pride. Am not very fond of that pairing normally, it seems to be the new fan girl's favourite thing for some reason, but I'm sure you can make them work in a different way.
Aaw poor you, bloody work.
I can't imagine Riise getting a game instead of Fab, but who knows what Rafa is thinking? He might have gone off of his former little darling.
Yep. And how horrific those two are off the pitch, no?
Poor thing indeed. Aw. I was wondering, can we have him on loan since Finnan and Arbeloa are unavailable, one as playing poorly and one being injured? Though to be fair he is not very good.
Aw clueless. I want a clueless Alvaro to manipulate at will.
Bless. Three weeks without the surfing may just kill him though.
Hee not sure. They just had a nice night together. And our Sunshine really has to go home for a lie down.
Might not have Torres and Gerrard then. Pride. Torres and, hmm, who could it be?
Bloody work indeed. Taking forever.
I do not want Riise to play if he does not need to. Injuries, yes, if there are injuries, fair enough, but not for no good reason.
Well, pissing on floors might be in fashion in London now. Am very amused about this Ashley Cole story btw., cheating on his wife and vomitting in other people's bedrooms.
Maybe he could just warm our bench then and play a few spare minutes here and there. He would look very pretty on it, Fab might be scared though, hee.
Sounds like a dream, doesn't it? Clueless Alvaro, manipulative like a little puppy following you anywhere. Wonder what he's doing at the moment? Can he train at all?
Aw yes, he needs his own bed. And a bit of Xabi teasing and Masche's home-made food.
Ai no, you should write them really having them already in mind. You'll give them a nice little fascinating edge, I'm sure.
Me neither. I just hope that if Fab plays he doesn't have to deal with him in front then. Though Harry is not the best choice either, lazy egoistic bastard that he is.
Have you heard the rules for Ashley Cole if he wants to stay with his wife? Embarrassing. Apparently he is small in every way as well.
Vomiting during sex, no less.
That would be good. Just a little bit of time to rest Finnans aching legs. Better our bench than theirs. Aw Fab. Scared of Paulo. Unless he gets nice Paulo that is?
Hee well, as long as he was obedient and did not bite. Oh, go on. He can bite if he likes.
No, no, he will not be training. Probably just massages, perhaps a bit of time in the pool.
Aw yes. Football and dog time. And then a reunion with Iker.
I am actually bored with the idea of them too. I just did not really find myself able to think of anyone better for Fride. Who for greed? Who for gluttony? Ha. Riise? Fat bastard.
We have very little options at the minute for the left side. This is the very reason I wanted us to prioritise that above any Masche deal which could have been dealt with free of charge using a pre contract.
Our left side is still a mess at the minute. The wing, I mean. When our best options are Kewell and Riise? Hmm.
No, haven't heard of them, what are they? Small and not fit for a footballer, hee. The vomiting thing is just disgusting though I loved how the girl added that he used mouthwash in order not to end up as totally filthy herself.
Aw yes, nice Paulo he'd like. He would just be very careful at first, observing him for a while until getting friendly with him. Hee, he might see it as a sign that Mourinho is near and ready to take over the club.
Biting Kitten, mhmmm.
Oh yes, dog time. He is so ashamed that he forgot to buy the dog a souvenir. Iker will be thrilled to see him, I guess. His wish coming true, the damaged boy is returning.
Pride, mhm, they'd both work for that. Isn't Gerrard greed? Hee, Riise for gluttony is great, him and Harry.
Ah but Kewell is our saviour, the knight in shining armour. Oh no, I forgot that this was in the past.
He has to treat her every two weeks, spend less time on his mobile, always be where she knows he is and cannot see his mates for two months. Yes, that is going to work.
Oh dear. That is horrible? Then again, its whether we believe what she says. Could be all lies. Apparently he offered to pay for an abortion if she was pregnant? Horrific.
Bless nice Paulo.Hee well, the minute he heard the rumours he would become obsesssive, no?
Nice biting Kitten. Want one of them, too.
Poor Dog. He will perhaps give it chocolate to make up for it. Dog chocolate of course.
Iker would see it as a God Send. Yeah he is. So, ai, not sure who could be pride.
Ha harry.
Heeyes this was in the past. They have finally seen the light on both of them now. Riise AND Kewell.
Ai, a little control freak she is. Not seeing his mates for two months? What kind of rule is that? The anti-socializing rule? She must be a right bitch, no wonder he cheated on her.
Yeah could be all lies, that is true. Though would you go to a paper and humiliate yourself by telling them that you had sex with a vomiting guy? I would have at least left that detail out. Abortion money, ai.
Hee yes, would bring the bad Paulo out.
Biting Kitten and daft Sunshine, they do come in one package, you know?
Hee, dog chocolate. Will get all fat the dog and has to be walked more often then.
A sign from above that he is not the craziest.
I think Fernando would be good for pride though I don't know with whom. Or Xabi.
Let's hope that we get rid of them in Summer and bring someone new in.
Ha well, she is trying to make sure he does not do it again. How she thinks a relationship can work under those rules though I have no idea.
As if he wont do it again. He is a footballer. It is in their blood and their nature.
I wonder how many DONT do it.
No, that is true. Though it humiliates him more than her. Why do that though? I do not understand why you would sell yourself out to make money from having sex. Is that not prostitution?
Hee. Kiss and Tells. FicFab should do one on FicRoman.
Bad, bad Paulo, surly and distempered. Vicious little shit.
Do they? Hee. Aw. They also come with a year long supply of sedatives, Doritos and felt tip pens.
I reckon the dog is already fat. Fat dog, spoiled but lovable.
Hee not quite the craziest. And of course, Fab comes in totally fucked up and talking about Elvis. He saw him, you know? He is not dead, you know?
Fernando with himself, perhaps. Total masturbationary fiction.
Lets hope. Oh Kewell still has his obsessives on RAWK saying he is a different class. Really? What class is that? Lower?
She always comes across as a right little bitch who can't keep her mouth shut, I actually wonder why he married her in the first place.
Hee, I can tell you about one- Fab. Still can't imagine him in bed at all. Not even with his own wife. And our lovely Kitten is too busy with his team mates.
It is prostitution in a way, I agree. Find it especially funny when those girls complain that they were not treated with any respect but in the next sentence say that the footballer in question just had to wink at her and the following minute they ended up in the toilets together.
Hee yes, "My nights of shame with a Russian multi millionaire"
And so jealous that he would have to share his Jose with a whole team now.
Aw yes, Doritos and sedatives. Instruction says when to use what.
Aw yes, fat little dog. Masche always carries him up the stairs, he wouldn't walk by himself.
Hee Elvis. Having an affair with Paris Hilton, you know? Iker might be more interested in the Paris bit.
Oh yes, that is good- just Fernando. Too proud to share his own body.
Hee, Kitten is busy communicating in a non-verbal way. Fab is too busy with his body not doing as he wants, poor baby.
Well, is that not your idea of a romantic night out? Beats candle light dinner by miles, no? The lighting in toilets is always so cosy, far better than dimmed lights and candles.
Haha, naughty Roman.
Of course, he is, his team mates should just respect that. I think Paulo also feels uncomfortable getting dressed with so many people around him, so many sweaty people that is. Hee, imagine him in the ice bath.
Hee yes. And please feed the Doritos if the puppy refuses all other food.
Fab would squirm then and say, well yes, I think they are fake, aren't they?
Oh yes, in love with himself and himself only.
Aw poor Riise, we should really be a bit nicer to him then. No girlfriend, no one to cook him his meals.
Paulo is so very calculating in his envy, seeking out Kitten as the light to his darkness and making an approach immediately. And Kitten, friendly and carefree as always welcomes him with his very own curiosity, wanting to know more about this man with the blank face. He doesn't see the danger, doesn't realize that he is about to make a pact with the devil selling his soul to him for love that will remain unanswered.
"It’s spontaneous, unexpected, and Alvaro, he is spontaneous combustion once his clothes are shed. Paulo, cold, cold as stone, he feels sparks coming off that flawless skin, and it burns him. There is such reckless abandon when he moves; such effortless grace and such a beguiling persona. Their bodies are practical mirrors of each other, yet Alvaro has an inch on Paulo where it matters and his chest, it’s more expansive, less fragile."
So good.
Love these meetings they have and how they change slowly. Paulo always leaving his lover and taking a part of him with him every time unless he seems soulless and empty himself while Paulo starts to shine. Kitten only wanting love and ending abandoned on the floor totally powerless while Paulo just wants the light and gets away with it. The end is cruel, scary even, but so fitting. And I like how it is Paulo then giving the autograph and being recognized.
Really really enjoyed that, thank you so much for posting!!!:))
How are you this morning? More boring DVD recordings?
He wants not only to own that but to be it. His jealousy turns him into a monster, in a way, desperate to take, always to take, giving nothing but little sprigs in return.
Kitten is the curious one, though, isnt he? Ever hopeful. Still waits to see if he can find something good (bit like our fic Kitten eh? Always looking for the good, ever patient)
Slowly over time the light shifts. When one starts to shine the other dulls. The strain of a draining relationship just takes away the sparkle. Poor love.
No, no, logging evidence today. Lots of it. Lots and lots and LOTS of it.
How are you?
Game tonight.You think there will be sunshine?
I like how he is so desperate in his actions, gives him a nice lively touch that otherwise would never come to the surface, it actually gives him life itself.
Curious trusting Kitten, very fic Kittenish, yes. And I think the real one is like that as well. Very trusting at least, always looking for the good in people.
Who will be next? In your other comment you said you wanted to write Masche and Xabi. Is that secretive Xabi/Masche or sinful Xabi/Masche?
Hee, have no idea what logging evidence is but it sounds truly boring.
Am currently proof-reading a paper from a friend and I have no clue about the subject. But other than that am fine!!:))
I truly hope there will be. He is not injured according to so he should be there. If not, am rather worried.
Ah but he is by far their best looking player.
Love our sunny boys.
Life itself. Almost vampiric, that is.
The real one is lovely, aw. Hopefully. If he was a horrible bastard I would not look twice at him .
Secretive. For our Next Sin I want to do Torres and Gerrard. Pride, no?
It really is boring.Yours sounds much better. Mine is going to take days.
I am worried too, if he is not there. With Riise playing so poorly it would say a lot if he were to be left out.
Ai worried.
It's a bit ridiculous the love for the English, isn't it? Keeping in mind how shite they perform when among themselves in the national team.
Best looking and most tragic, oh no that is Sheva but as it's his own fault I don't pity him. Paulo though followed his mentor (and owner, hee) who then left without him, poor thing.
It is almost vampiric indeed, sucking the power out of his clueless victim.
Aw, am sure he is not a horrible bastard. I think he is very kind hearted and always wanting to hug people, aaw.
Aaw, secretive, bless. What are they up to?
Torres/Gerrard, oh that might indeed work for pride. Am not very fond of that pairing normally, it seems to be the new fan girl's favourite thing for some reason, but I'm sure you can make them work in a different way.
Aaw poor you, bloody work.
I can't imagine Riise getting a game instead of Fab, but who knows what Rafa is thinking? He might have gone off of his former little darling.
Poor thing indeed. Aw. I was wondering, can we have him on loan since Finnan and Arbeloa are unavailable, one as playing poorly and one being injured? Though to be fair he is not very good.
Aw clueless. I want a clueless Alvaro to manipulate at will.
Bless. Three weeks without the surfing may just kill him though.
Hee not sure. They just had a nice night together. And our Sunshine really has to go home for a lie down.
Might not have Torres and Gerrard then. Pride. Torres and, hmm, who could it be?
Bloody work indeed. Taking forever.
I do not want Riise to play if he does not need to. Injuries, yes, if there are injuries, fair enough, but not for no good reason.
Maybe he could just warm our bench then and play a few spare minutes here and there. He would look very pretty on it, Fab might be scared though, hee.
Sounds like a dream, doesn't it? Clueless Alvaro, manipulative like a little puppy following you anywhere.
Wonder what he's doing at the moment? Can he train at all?
Aw yes, he needs his own bed. And a bit of Xabi teasing and Masche's home-made food.
Ai no, you should write them really having them already in mind. You'll give them a nice little fascinating edge, I'm sure.
Me neither. I just hope that if Fab plays he doesn't have to deal with him in front then. Though Harry is not the best choice either, lazy egoistic bastard that he is.
Have you heard the rules for Ashley Cole if he wants to stay with his wife? Embarrassing. Apparently he is small in every way as well.
Vomiting during sex, no less.
That would be good. Just a little bit of time to rest Finnans aching legs. Better our bench than theirs. Aw Fab. Scared of Paulo. Unless he gets nice Paulo that is?
Hee well, as long as he was obedient and did not bite. Oh, go on. He can bite if he likes.
No, no, he will not be training. Probably just massages, perhaps a bit of time in the pool.
Aw yes. Football and dog time. And then a reunion with Iker.
I am actually bored with the idea of them too. I just did not really find myself able to think of anyone better for Fride. Who for greed? Who for gluttony? Ha. Riise? Fat bastard.
We have very little options at the minute for the left side. This is the very reason I wanted us to prioritise that above any Masche deal which could have been dealt with free of charge using a pre contract.
Our left side is still a mess at the minute. The wing, I mean. When our best options are Kewell and Riise? Hmm.
Small and not fit for a footballer, hee. The vomiting thing is just disgusting though I loved how the girl added that he used mouthwash in order not to end up as totally filthy herself.
Aw yes, nice Paulo he'd like. He would just be very careful at first, observing him for a while until getting friendly with him. Hee, he might see it as a sign that Mourinho is near and ready to take over the club.
Biting Kitten, mhmmm.
Oh yes, dog time. He is so ashamed that he forgot to buy the dog a souvenir.
Iker will be thrilled to see him, I guess. His wish coming true, the damaged boy is returning.
Pride, mhm, they'd both work for that. Isn't Gerrard greed?
Hee, Riise for gluttony is great, him and Harry.
Ah but Kewell is our saviour, the knight in shining armour. Oh no, I forgot that this was in the past.
Oh dear. That is horrible? Then again, its whether we believe what she says. Could be all lies. Apparently he offered to pay for an abortion if she was pregnant? Horrific.
Bless nice Paulo.Hee well, the minute he heard the rumours he would become obsesssive, no?
Nice biting Kitten. Want one of them, too.
Poor Dog. He will perhaps give it chocolate to make up for it. Dog chocolate of course.
Iker would see it as a God Send.
Yeah he is. So, ai, not sure who could be pride.
Ha harry.
Heeyes this was in the past. They have finally seen the light on both of them now. Riise AND Kewell.
Yeah could be all lies, that is true. Though would you go to a paper and humiliate yourself by telling them that you had sex with a vomiting guy? I would have at least left that detail out.
Abortion money, ai.
Hee yes, would bring the bad Paulo out.
Biting Kitten and daft Sunshine, they do come in one package, you know?
Hee, dog chocolate. Will get all fat the dog and has to be walked more often then.
A sign from above that he is not the craziest.
I think Fernando would be good for pride though I don't know with whom. Or Xabi.
Let's hope that we get rid of them in Summer and bring someone new in.
As if he wont do it again. He is a footballer. It is in their blood and their nature.
I wonder how many DONT do it.
No, that is true. Though it humiliates him more than her. Why do that though? I do not understand why you would sell yourself out to make money from having sex. Is that not prostitution?
Hee. Kiss and Tells. FicFab should do one on FicRoman.
Bad, bad Paulo, surly and distempered. Vicious little shit.
Do they? Hee. Aw. They also come with a year long supply of sedatives, Doritos and felt tip pens.
I reckon the dog is already fat. Fat dog, spoiled but lovable.
Hee not quite the craziest. And of course, Fab comes in totally fucked up and talking about Elvis. He saw him, you know? He is not dead, you know?
Fernando with himself, perhaps. Total masturbationary fiction.
Lets hope. Oh Kewell still has his obsessives on RAWK saying he is a different class. Really? What class is that? Lower?
Hee, I can tell you about one- Fab. Still can't imagine him in bed at all. Not even with his own wife. And our lovely Kitten is too busy with his team mates.
It is prostitution in a way, I agree. Find it especially funny when those girls complain that they were not treated with any respect but in the next sentence say that the footballer in question just had to wink at her and the following minute they ended up in the toilets together.
Hee yes, "My nights of shame with a Russian multi millionaire"
And so jealous that he would have to share his Jose with a whole team now.
Aw yes, Doritos and sedatives. Instruction says when to use what.
Aw yes, fat little dog. Masche always carries him up the stairs, he wouldn't walk by himself.
Hee Elvis. Having an affair with Paris Hilton, you know? Iker might be more interested in the Paris bit.
Oh yes, that is good- just Fernando. Too proud to share his own body.
Well, definitely not "working-class" he is.
Haha well our Kitty barely speaks the language. Fab in bed. Yes. Weird.
Ended up in the toilets. And he was telling her how hot she was, etc. And she loved it. Thought he was The One.
Haha oh bless. His love for wooden spoons and vodka funnels.
Hee yes, Jose is his, you know?
Sedatives to be used in the morning, in the evening, when the puppy starts to get wound up.
Poor dog. Can imagine it. Bless.
Oh he would love the Paris bit. Are her boobs fake, he would ask?
Too proud. Too in love with himself, perhaps?
No, no not working class. Oh apparently the reason Riise is shit is because he has no girlfriend?
Hee, Kitten is busy communicating in a non-verbal way. Fab is too busy with his body not doing as he wants, poor baby.
Well, is that not your idea of a romantic night out? Beats candle light dinner by miles, no? The lighting in toilets is always so cosy, far better than dimmed lights and candles.
Haha, naughty Roman.
Of course, he is, his team mates should just respect that. I think Paulo also feels uncomfortable getting dressed with so many people around him, so many sweaty people that is. Hee, imagine him in the ice bath.
Hee yes. And please feed the Doritos if the puppy refuses all other food.
Fab would squirm then and say, well yes, I think they are fake, aren't they?
Oh yes, in love with himself and himself only.
Aw poor Riise, we should really be a bit nicer to him then. No girlfriend, no one to cook him his meals.
Oh poor thing. Cursed, he is. But fit right now, no? So he could play away if he wanted.
It really is. Cheaper, too. And there is soap to hand so, always clean! And free condom machines.
Very naughty.
Oh it would be perfect temperature for him. He is cold blooded after all.
Indeed. Doritos always break him. If he shouts at night just, gag him. Ai you think when jose takes him again he will give him Doritos?
Oh bless him, he is not sure. Not sure at all. He does not know the difference yet.
Oh nobody to cheat on. Poor baby. All is forgiven.
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