A Tom pink shirt picspam!
I don't know alot about this photoshoot. Some of them were in a magazine called TV Hits and it looks like at least one was in a mag called Twist. I don't know who the photographer was or even what year, but I think it may be 2004. If anyone has any info, or other pics from this 'shoot, please share!
11 pretties, some fairly large, so not really dial up friendly, but worth the wait. :D
Standard Warning! The images and random commentary within may cause my flisters to question my sanity, or could cause happiness and joy, excessive drooling and/or fangirl squeeing, dirty, bad and oh so wrong thoughts combined with tingling and/or warmth in or around various body parts. The pics are from Jana/jr24tw, carolandtom, DTTW, tomwelling.org, allstars-online.net, and starswelove.com.
Everybody's seen this one but it's one of my favs. Oh, that brilliant smile! *swoon*
Curious. There are at least 3 photoshoots I know of where Tom is barefoot. (Thanks so much Tom for giving me a kink I didn't know I had.) Anybody interested in a barefoot Tom picspam?
This is the only one I'm not sure where it comes from. If anyone knows, please let me know so I can properly credit!
Many thanks to
carolandtom for a much better version of this one!
Credit goes to Jana/
jr24tw for these!
I hope you enjoyed!