a small bit of RL and the uncensored truth about twistedlyn

Jul 13, 2008 03:17


So, I keep having that stupid generic WIN32 error thingy happening, so that's kept me from being able to get online for more than a few minutes at a time. grrrrr..... Does anybody know how to fix this?

The evol, like really, really evol twistedlyn  is quite aware of my pc probs (she probably sent evol rays out and broke my pc) and has taken the opportunity to spread her really, really evol twisted truths and outright falsehoods about me in an attempt, that is working very well, I might add :(, to get people to vote for her over at the TW/D2 Smackdown at the ToUCHlark forum and I feel I must defend myself against her blatent evolness.

el jay cut for the weak of heart...

First, HERE, she calls me a mean, mean person and, shock of shocks!!, accuses me of NOT being a Tom Welling fan. Ha! Me?? Not a TW fan? Totally absurd! Then, to add insult to injury she insinutes that I constantly call him a word that needs to be spelled out. Well, you know what? I'll admit DO call him a word that starts with 'P' and ends with 'Y'. I say it all the time!


That's what I call him. Pretty. 'Cause he is just soooo pretty. And I'll keep doing it too, no matter how she wants to twist my words around!

And I never, ever said that Tom wouldn't make a sexy Jawa. She only made the Tawa manip to torture me because I said some things just shouldn't be done. I begged her not to do it! Maniping that pretty (I said that word again!!!) face on a jawa was totally evol and no amount of brain bleach will ever erase that image. She just laughed that adorably evol laugh and then tricked me and made me look at it.

I am scarred for life! But damn! That was one sexy Tawa!!

Then HERE, she accuses me of making her use THE HOLY RED JACKET (henseforth known at THRJ) as an answer in a 20 questions thingy at TWOP and now people hate her. Bah, this just has to be totally untrue!! THRJ is LOVE! How can anyone not adore on THRJ?? She is so making up this horrible cult of hate for THRJ!!!

Then.... then she has the audacity to blame me for her writing pie filling porn and say she is emotionally damaged as a result!! All I said was 'Wouldn't lemon pie filling be a wonderful thing smeared all over Clark's naked chest? I bet Chloe would really like that!!'

How could lemon pie filling smeared all over Clark's naked chest be damaging in any way?


I hate to have to do this, but you guys have to know just how twisted and evol she is!

I have proof that she's NOT a Chlarker, she's only pretending to be!! You know what she is?? She's a wicked and evol Chlimmyist! She's writing this epic ode to Jimmy called, Jimmy Olsen: Sex God and you know what she did! She has Jimmy and Chloe having sex basically right on top of Clark!!! And poor Clark can only stare deeply into Chloe's eyes while Jimmy is pounding away while cries of 'Jimmy! Jimmy!' echo around the room.

I ask you, is this the work of an adorable Chlarker?

Please, dear flisters, do not fall into her adorable evol trap. Let her know that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated and Vote For Me in the TW/D2 Smackdown!


twistedlyn is evol, tom welling, smallville, touchlark

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