Beautiful Lie - A Bizarro!Clark Picspam

Jul 02, 2008 03:50

Oh, come on! Like anyone is really surprised by this. ;p

Standard Warning! The images and random commentary within may cause my flisters to question my sanity, or could cause happiness and joy, excessive drooling and/or fangirl squeeing, dirty, bad and oh so wrong thoughts combined with tingling and/or warmth in or around various body parts. The Phantom, Bizarro, Gemini and Persona caps were gratefully found at svfan, screencap-paradise and homeofthenutty.

41 pics of the occasionally booboo'd but always deliciously wicked and very pretty DNA stealing zoner. Not dial up friendly!


His expression is just so bizarre *g*, how can you not love it?

Wet!Bizzy! That crooked grin! *squee*

He so totally knows he's gonna kick Clark's ass!

Whee! Bizzy flying! Has anyone but me noticed the little mouth twitchy thing he does right before he changes?

Kneel before Bizzy!


He knows all of Clark's thoughts.

Every last twisted one of them!

One has to wonder if they did this as some bizarre play on Clark being strung up as the Scarecrow from Pilot on purpose.

Totally buying the pain face there Mr. Welling. Totally.

Breathing in lightening!

Electric Eyegasm!

Little rocks from outerspace...

Make any version of Clark a happy camper!

A version of this pic has been my desktop pic for a long time. Why yes, I do like Bizzy alot. Why do you ask? :p

Aww... Bizzy in plaid.

Yes. I actually squeed at the Bizzy reveal here! No spoilers make me a happy gal!

Pretty, pretty. So pretty. *sigh*

Yikes! Who knew you could get interstellar syphillis from a human?

Bizzy fangs!


How much more adorable can you get?

Wait, Clark! Put down the Blue!K. I'm only doing this because I'm a Chlarker!

Watch this! She'll totally buy it.

I love you more than he does!

Betrayed! *ohnoes*

And Bizzy goes boom! *sniff*


picspam, bizarro, phantom, gemini, tom welling, smallville, persona

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