Farmboy Monthly March 2008 - The Booty Issue!

Mar 14, 2008 11:47

This month's issue came in a plain brown wrapper. I wonder why? :p

Standard Warning! The images within may cause my flisters to question my sanity, or could cause happiness and joy, excessive drooling and/or fangirl squeeing, dirty, bad and oh so wrong thoughts combined with tingling and/or warmth in or around various body parts. The pics are from all over the place, including, but not limited to oxoniensis art, ksite, dttw, dts, svfan, tom welling italia,, clarkscherry, goth_girl, carolandtom, chlarklove, and probably others I have forgotten in the droolage of the moment.


Okay, maybe I can understand the plain brown wrapper. *g*

OMG! That pose! And the play of light over curve hugging denim! This month's centerfold was in a word... guh!

Fighting Booty!

Leather clad so gonna kick your ass booty!

Farmboy should really, really wear leather more often!

Sometimes the responsibility of having such an awesome booty makes farmboy tired.

Curvy boy butt takes me to my happy place.

I don't care what anybody else says. Super booty shaking IS a superpower! And farmboy is really working that superpower in Static! :drool:

Wandering around the PZ booty!



And now for the nekkid booty!

Gonna get wet!Booty!


Arrogant alien booty!

If anybody has any bootylicious pics of farmboy to share, please do!


farmboy monthly, tom welling, drool!pics, smallville

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