Random Update and the Seven Things Meme

Feb 07, 2008 18:43

Hello there! Anybody miss me? :p

I know I haven't been around much lately, RL wasn't very kind to me in January and a crappy real life naturally throws off the fun of fandom life, so, I guess one could take this post as a warning that I'm back.

I actually enjoyed Persona (shirtless!Tom! wicked!Tom! pretty!Tom! Yays!) and although I mourned the utter castration and destruction of Bizzy, his abuse will be worth it IF the Clana is finally dead. (Pleasepleaseplease tv gods, let the Clana be dead!!) I'm really looking forward to tonight's episode!

And a little note for those of you still interested in Uninvited, that'll get updated at some point tonight. :D

Okay, I was was double tagged by mediaville and kdsch123, so I guess I should bore you guys with the Seven Things Meme!

a. list seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself
b. tag seven people to do the same
c. do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it"

1. I don't watch alot of tv. Sometimes I'll go days without turning it on. But when I do discover a show I love, I have to watch things from the beginning and in order. Also, spoilers drive me crazy and have been known to kill fanfic faeries.

2. If you tell me I have to do something, I probably won't. If you tell me I can't, I probably will.

3. My maternal great grandmother was an award winning newspaper columnist. My maternal grandmother wrote poetry. Somehow the writing bug skipped a generation and showed up in me. I'm not quite sure if they'd approve of the smutty direction I seem to go in, but I like to think they'd at least appreciate my love of words.

4. If I was supreme ruler it would be illegal for Tom Welling to wear clothes.

5. When I was in my early twenties and taking flying lessons I had to opportunity to ride along with a stunt pilot. It was amazing and thrilling and to this day I cannot believe I climbed into an airplane and encouraged a 70 year old man to keep doing barrel rolls and loops.

6. My favorite author is Tanith Lee and I think Delirium's Mistress is the bestest novel ever written.

7. I think Kal would taste like dark chocolate dipped cinnamon Altoids.

I tag carolandtom, chiri_chan, dm_wyatt, paperbkryter, pen37, the_lost_queen, and uberwillow


ramblings, meme

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