Go Home, Get Stoned - RedK!Clark-Chloe - NC-17 - 03/04

Oct 31, 2007 20:31

Happy Hallowe'en everyone! It's not a trick, I've actually updated! I hope you enjoy!

Title: Go Home, Get Stoned
Author: shelia ivorykiss
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: RedK!Clark-Chloe
Spoilers: Rush, Vessel, Zod, and Crimson
Disclaimers: I don’t own them, oh, but if I did, I’d hug them and squeeze them and so make them porn. The title and moodlet of this little piece are from Get Stoned by Hinder.
A/N: One should be aware that the following bit of smut has a purple prose alert and shamelessly abuses a little red rock from outer space. Also, anything much more than a vague resemblance to a plot is purely accidental.

Previous: Part One, Part Two


“I had already jerked off before playing delivery boy...”

She didn’t know which was more devastating; his actions or his words and Chloe shuddered as Clark licked along the curve of her ear, his voice, a low velvety purr that seemed to vibrate through every cell of her body.

“You know... to keep the edge off.”

His large hands roamed across her back, then up under her shirt and Chloe shivered as his fingertips traced random patterns on her skin. His mouth left her ear, trailing moist sharp kisses along her neck as his hands wandered, wandered down to her ass to squeeze and caress. Chloe gasped as his fingers tightened possessively on her soft curves as he pulled her up and against him.

Clark was hard, unmistakably hard, and Chloe swallowed nervously, her mouth suddenly dry. She could feel the heat of his arousal as he rocked his hips, pressing the rigid length of his blue jean trapped erection against her.

“Everything was fine,” he continued as he kissed and licked and suckled at her neck.

She trembled, closing her eyes as helpless want weakened her knees. Off balance; she clutched at his shirt and moaned softly.

“And even though you smelled so good Chloe, so goddamn good,” Clark rocked his hips against her again, “I could handle it.”

Chloe resisted the urge to pull and tug at the blue material bunching under her fingers, instead contenting herself with the feel of his hard muscular body pressed to hers and breathing in the heady scent of him.

Clark always smelled good. Warm and comforting, like summer sun and freshly mowed hay. Chloe took a deep breath and the tingling in her body concentrated and became a sharp throb of moist need.

She moaned softly; he didn’t smell very comforting right now. Clark smelled wild and dangerous, smelled of primal fire and raw masculinity and Chloe whimpered as her traitorous body softened against his in total surrender.

His acknowledging chuckle vibrated against her skin as he continued to speak.

“Even though I wanted to grab you from your chair, even though I wanted you under me screaming my name as I fucked you senseless, I could handle it. After all we are only friends.”

Chloe winced as his hands tightened on her ass. Anger and frustration colored his voice, becoming a low dangerous growl.

“Then he showed up, cozying right up to your desk, being all touchy feely.”

Chloe sighed, and although it thrilled her in some dark little way that he felt jealous, she really didn’t want Jimmy broken.

And all possessive words aside, it wasn’t Clark talking. He really didn’t want to break Jimmy.

It was kryptonite that drove him: a tiny piece of his destroyed home world, a little red rock that loosened his inhibitions and freed his darker impulses.

Chloe fought back a sob.

“You don’t want me Clark.”

Her voice was soft, a murmuring whisper against his chest and she didn’t even try to stop the big fat tear that rolled down her cheek.

Clark pulled back from her slightly and grinned down at her, “So you keep telling me.”

She blinked at him, puzzled and a sudden sense of déjà vu swept over her at his next words.

“I’m surprised it’s taking you so long to figure it out.”

Amber gilded green eyes challenged her as he steadily walked her backwards until she bumped into the couch. She grabbed at his shoulders as Clark lifted her easily and with one large hand splayed low across her back, balanced her on the back of the dusty piece of furniture.

He grinned at her again and before Chloe could draw a breath, Clark’s lips were back at her neck, his hands slipping under her shirt. She moaned at the feel of his big hands roaming her skin, and then he must have used superspeed because suddenly there was nothing between his large hands and her breasts. Chloe shuddered when the pads of this thumbs grazed over her nipples, and she groaned when he pinched and pulled at the hard aching points.

Clark continued to whisper against her skin between sharp kisses, moist swipes of his tongue, invoking half remembered flashes of memory, sharpening the hazy remembrances that flickered dizzyingly through her mind.

“Do you ever dream of falling Chloe?”

She shivered as one large hand left her breast, trailing downward to the back of her knee to grasp her upper calf and Chloe gasped as Clark tugged, roughly parting her legs.

“Or do you remember?” He suckled at the pulse that beat wildly in her throat. “Do you remember how I snatched you from the air or how hard you made me as you writhed against me in the backseat of Pete’s old blue Camero with my hands on your ass, my mouth on your skin, my teeth at your neck?”

“Clark...” Chloe shut her eyes; she was so embarrassingly wet she could smell her own arousal.

“Tell me!”

His voice was a demanding hiss as he stepped closer and pushed at her skirt until it bunched at her hips. She felt the scratchy rasp of denim against sensitive skin as he settled between her thighs and Chloe bit back a moan.

She could feel the thick length of his erection pressing firmly against the moist scrap of satin that covered her sex and her hands clutched reflexively at his shoulders.

“I remember all the time Chloe.”

Clark kissed and nibbled his way to her mouth. His lips were impossibly soft, stealing Chloe’s breath as they moved lightly against hers. Pleasure arced though her, the impressive bulge of his cock steadily moving against her clit, moving in a slow sensual promising rhythm and his voice lowered to a fierce guttural whisper.

“All the fucking time.”

She cried out, her mouth parting under his and the cold metal of his belt buckle dug into the soft skin of her belly. She moaned and tried to pull back, but Clark wouldn’t let her, instead grinding against her harder as he deepened the kiss.

Chloe bit at his tongue, chewed at his lower lip, trying to get his attention, but he seemed to like it, growling low and his rumble of pleasure reverberated in her mouth as his tongue slid against hers.

Sensations were overwhelming. Tingles of pleasure and the sharp stab of pain mingled and contrasted and Chloe did the only thing she could think of.

She slid her hands down, between their bodies and tugged at his belt. And as she tugged; she inadvertently brushed against his erection.

That got his attention.

Clark broke the kiss and grinned against her mouth.

“Yeah,” he panted. “I don’t wanna wait anymore either.”

He pushed her hands aside, swiftly undoing his belt and jeans, then the weight of his cock, thick and heavy and warm was crowding into her palms.


fic: go home get stoned, redk!clark/chloe, chlark, fic, smut, smallville

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