<------ Lookie! Pretty! My first icon thingy! Well, my first one made doing something more than clipping from a screencap. I likes it. Not quite sure just how I actually made it, but its pretty! Yeah for me!
Damsel In Distress- Chloe/Charlie Baker fic- SV/CBTD XOVER - Don't usually like xovers, long ranty reason another time, but ah, this is cute as all get out. Right on character voices. Chlarlie is almost as good as Chlark and this short little bit screams sequel dammit! Non smut though :(
Menace à Trois - A fab NC-17 riff off of Spell that will have you laughing at the witches three and drooling right along with them!
A Good Year For The Corn - Sometimes I go to Level Three and hit random story. That is how I found this. A lovely little dark Jonathon fic.
Okay, papbkryter is a ficgod. Seriously. If you read none of my other recs you gotta read this one.
Wake Me Up - if you do not have that achy lump in your throat and blinking back tears by the time you finish this awesome story, well then you have no soul.