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tariel22 September 27 2009, 08:19:50 UTC
What a wonderful story! He sounds lovely, and your description of how tall he is makes me swoon! I'm so glad you were able to get his autograph, and make such a great memory with him (with a kiss, no less!). Do you follow him on Twitter? I hope that other gal sends you your pic. Taken by JS himself, how cool is that?

Cockfest? Really?! *giggles*

In other news, have you seen this?! Click for BIGGER, it's from a future episode, but it's not spoilery at all!


ivorykiss October 7 2009, 09:43:30 UTC
OMG! What a beautiful piccie! Thank you so much for sharing it with me! God, that man is simply gorgeous! *swoon*

I was totally blown away at how tall he was and just how much handsomer (is that a word?) he was in RL compared to on tv. Then again, anyone standing next to TW is gonna be the loser in the looks department. *g* I'm glad I took the time to meet him and get his autograph. It was worth having to deal with all the rain and the sea of orange Dukes fans. *g* You know I didn't realize it until you mentioned it, that omg! yeah, HE DID take the pic. Damn, that gal never has contacted me. I really want that pic now. :/

Okay, so only us jaded locals call it the Cockfest, technically the thing is called the World Chicken Festival. *clicky for all its internet glory* I guess it is our punishment for living at the birthplace of KFC. *sigh*


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