Objectify My Love - Chlark - R - 01/01

Sep 03, 2009 04:18

WTF?!? OMG! The 'net is working for me!?!? Ahem... been trying to get back into the writing groove. Miss you guys bunches!

Title: Objectify My Love
Author: ivorykiss
Pairing: Chlark
Rating: R for suggestive imagery
Disclaimers: Don’t own them. Wish I did.
A/N: A very short little ficlet respectfully dedicated to the infinitely patient tariel22 who, if I’m not mistaken, shares a fascination with a certain part of Clark that I do. *g* Comments, critiques always welcome.


Chloe Sullivan licked her lips and tried really hard not to stare.

But… there it was and it was oh so difficult to ignore.

Jutting, curving and oh god… was that a drop of moisture defying gravity at the very tip?

Chloe swallowed hard and tried to ignore the warmth blossoming deep in her belly.

Her fingertips itched to trace along that jutting curve; she knew it would be softer than silk, yet stronger than steel.

She wanted to suck that big fat glistening bead of moisture into her mouth, wanted to let it dissolve, melt slowly on her tongue, leaving nothing behind but the flavor of him.

Just the thought of the taste of him in her mouth made her inhale sharply.

Clark arched a brow at her in the mirror and turned towards her and Chloe had to fight back the surge of disappointment as that damp, sweet little curl of hair on the nape of his neck disappeared from view.

“I’m almost ready,” Clark grinned at her as he finger combed back his unruly locks.

Chloe smiled back.

After all, they were going to Crater Lake for the day and she would definitely be seeing it again soon.


fic: objectify my love, chlark, fic, smallville, chloe, clark

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