Tom - S6 Gray Suit/Office Promos

Mar 19, 2009 04:40

I'd like to wish belated, but happy, happy birthday wishes to the incomparably evol twistedlyn and to teh rjchasez I hope you gals had a great birthday! I'm so sorry I missed your special days! Apologies, if I've missed anyone else reciently. *huggers to all* And a great big thank you to anon who sent me the lovely shamrock! Thank you so much! And many, many thanks to carolandtom for putting up with me! You are made of the sauce of awesomeness! *smishes*

Wow! I can't believe it has been over 3 months since I've done a picspam. So...

Ahem. It is that time again. Tommy pretties! \o/

I do so love the Season 6 promos! Tom ever so roguish in the leather jacket set, so very very yummy in the maroon shirt set and the gray suit/office set is well... enough to make a gal wanna take some dictation! ;p It was hard to chose which set to 'spam since they're all so wonderful. In the end I went with the gray suit ones.

I hope you enjoy!

Standard Warning! The images and random commentary within may cause my flisters to question my sanity, or could cause happiness and joy, excessive drooling and/or fangirl squeeing, dirty, bad and oh so wrong thoughts combined with tingling and/or warmth in or around various body parts. The pics are from all over the place, including, but not limited to jr24tw, andreas_ri, and tomwelling-01.webs. Please check my profile page for all my resources.

14 pics, over half are really huge, so NOT dial-up friendly, but so worth the wait. ;D


The only real grrr... I have with this set is all the gray really takes out the green of his eyes. *sigh* And that they are not all HQ. *g*

I'm so glad you called me.

I've been looking forward to this meeting all day.

You're right. This is a crime.

Okay, I know it's wrong and pervy, but... the placement and slight cupping of his left hand just makes me think bad, bad thoughts. Noone is surprised. Are they? ;p

I miss Calvin and Hobbes too.

HQ only makes me have HQ pervy thoughts.

Why don't you sit down and relax while I look over your information.

Ahh! Stubble! The little birthmark on his temple! The little mole hiding in his eyelid! *drool* Thank you promo guy or gal for not photoshopping them out! *smishes* Anyone else but me notice the boo boo on his finger? *g* Whew! Gotta love those big ol' paws of his! *more drooling*

Conflicting Factors Cause Factors. What the hell does that mean? Oh, who cares? Whee! Leaning back in chair!Tommy!

I really like the different expressions in this one and the previous one. Yay! For reporter!Clark. The first is all 'I'm so interested in telling your story.' And the second is 'I know you're lying.' LOL!

Come on. You know you can trust me. I'm all about truth and justice.

And some very kinky ways! *g*

Yep! You heard me right. Kinky ways.

You want me to show you. Okay. Let's go!

See. Now wasn't that fun? Come back and see me anytime!



picspam, tom welling, drool!pics, smallville

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